[From my comment posted on The Pioneer.]
The criminals of CIA-RAW have been deleting my posted comments; save this on your computer and pass it on.
After he had been chief editor of the Times of India, Arun Shourie said about it "Akhbar nahin, sarkar hai". That's fine and it is not just the Times of India but the sarkar -- government -- of India consists of white colonial rule (below), specifically of the CIA and so do the media. That is not fine.
About two hours after Rajesh Singh's column of July 25 '12 in The Pioneer was posted at midnight, Indian Standard Time, the hit counter for that column showed it had 678 hits and my blog, 'Satyam Shivam Sundaram Satish Chandra' : http://SatyamShivamSundaramSatishChandra.blogspot.com had 44 hits originating from my comment below that column. As soon as I saw this, CIA-RAW, which can control and alter absolutely everything on any web page as I have described in the above blog, saw my seeing these hit rates and clamped down on the hit counts and both of the displayed hit rates immediately fell to less than a tenth, to less than a twentieth or a fiftieth of the actual hit rates since the rates are higher in day time. CIA-RAW does this routinely, in part to prevent me from getting any 'reinforcement' from my work as it has been doing for the past 35 years as I have described in the above blog but it also does many things to deny the public access to my work while stealing it for itself. (Besides electronic stealing via microwaves from satellites, the CIA routinely sends people to live next to or on the same floor as me -- both in the United States and Canada -- who sneak into my room/apartment and steal my hand written notes, valuable documents, etc.; they even stole four thousand dollars in U.S. Postal Service money orders I had kept in my room but I was able to get a refund by showing their purchase receipts to the Postal Service when I found out the theft). Is CIA-RAW's deleting my posted comments, tampering with hit counts, etc. acceptable to the Pioneer Editor Chandan Mitra who is a member of the Rajya Sabha? As I said in a past comment, both Patriot editor R. K. Mishra and Chandan Mitra were made members of the Rajya Sabha for helping to keep the lid on these crimes against me and against India and many, many others have been similarly rewarded. The Pioneer columnist Sandhya Jain's father, Girilal Jain, when chief editor of the Times of India, had refused to lift the lid from the crimes against me and against India but still was fired for showing my influence otherwise. Columnist Tavleen Singh of Indian Express about two and a half decades ago wrote in her column that "senior journalists" had been given, "virtually free", "spacious government flats" in New Delhi which would rent at a minimum fifty lakhs per year at market rates -- now they would rent at several crores per year -- for keeping these crimes covered up and otherwise rewarded -- Kuldip Nayar was made High Commissioner to the U.K. -- for the same reason. These were rewards. As for punishments, a press cartoonist in Delhi, who happened to be Muslim, was brutally tortured and murdered and his body dumped in a ditch outside Delhi for publishing a cartoon showing the Italian woman being thrown out of an airplane after I suggested in a letter to the press that she be thrown out of an air plane. John Perry, the publisher and editor of News India, New York, was jailed for several years, with the help of RAW, on the unprecedented charge of falsifying his circulation figures because his newspaper carried front page lead stories about me and published my letters, as I have mentioned in the above blog. J. N. Parimoo, who was the Times of India correspondent in Washington in the early 1980s, asked me if even a public television station had not done a story on the persecution of the world’s greatest scientist and greatest living Indian below; he would not do a story on it unless it first came out in the U.S. media. A few years later I received a certified letter, return receipt requested, from CBS News which wanted to do a ‘Sixty Minutes’ segment on it which was the most widely watched public affairs program in the U.S. at that time (the letter asked my permission for them to “read” a short piece, titled “The Soviet Coup”, that described the matter in a few words that I had faxed to CBS News and other media). When I did not respond (I had sent it to be read, what else? They had evidently read it for them to send a certified letter, return receipt requested. The letter seemed like a ploy for them to deny they knew about the matter it described), ‘Sixty Minutes’ did a segment on bride burnings in India, instead. As I have also mentioned in the above blog, RAW made calls to The Week magazine pretending they were from me and sent a look alike of me to Organiser.
Both Hazare and Ramdev ended their agitations because of what I wrote in a press release dated July 29, 2012, titled "Beat Hazare and Ramdev to Death", about their being tools of CIA-RAW and how the simultaneous nuclear destruction of New Delhi, Washington and New York (see below) will take care of the important problems. The fact that the Indian media have not reported that Hazare and Ramdev ended their agitations because of what I wrote is an illustration of the problem which is CIA rule over India through RAW, as a part of which India's media are also tools of CIA-RAW; see below. I have shown in my main blog -- 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over US' -- that both the Hazare and Ramdev agitations were sponsored by CIA-RAW to keep India 'Gandhian' and thus poor, weak and enslaved -- the homosexual M. K. Gandhi himself was a lifelong British agent who waged a fake 'Independence' struggle managed by the Intelligence Bureau -- and to take attention away from the continuing white colonial rule over India which will be ended by the simultaneous nuclear destruction New Delhi, Washington and New York; see below.
AUGUST 22, 2012: Even while asking India to respect freedom of the Internet, the U.S. is preventing -- directly as well as through RAW; CIA and RAW operatives sit at terminals with shared capabilities for this purpose -- me from posting comments like the following hundreds of times a day and altering or deleting my published comments and deleting and altering drafts saved on my computer, etc.:-
-------START OF COMMENT-------
AUGUST 19, 2012 : The Nag missile failure today was caused by microwave signals from U.S. satellites with the complicity of the current Army chief Bikram Singh and DRDO chief V. K. Saraswat as well as RAW; see 'Indian Air Force Pilots' Murder' : http://IndianAirForcePilotsMurder.blogspot.com . As I have said below, India must get rid of 90% of its conventional forces and replace them with nuclear forces and the simultaneous nuclear destruction of New Delhi, Washington and New York (below) will enable India to do so. This must be done without further delay.
-------END OF COMMENT------
-------START OF COMMENT------
The criminal, inferior Indian niggers of RAW routinely post abuse on my comments or delete them; see 'What You Should Know About RAW' : http://WhatYouShouldKnowAboutRAW.blogspot.com . Save this on your computer and pass it on. RAW functions as a branch of the CIA. It will be destroyed by the simultaneous nuclear destruction of New Delhi, Washington and New York; see the videos below.
The exodus of Northeasterners from South Indian cities was instigated by RAW as was the anti-migrant violence in Assam. On August 7 '12 I said: "The current anti-migrant violence in India's Assam and the killing of Sikhs in the United States are two pre-planned, coordinated psy-ops -- psychological operations -- of Indian and U.S. government agencies. Just as the riots during the Partition were instigated by the Intelligence Bureau which had remained loyal to the British and other sectarian and other violence, such as the one which led to the creation of Bangladesh, has been instigated by RAW which functions as a branch of the CIA -- see 'What You Should Know About RAW' : http://WhatYouShouldKnowAboutRAW.blogspot.com -- and other intelligence agencies in the region, so was the current anti-migrant violence in Assam." See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YeshjIItgco , http://youtube.com/watch?v=WPA9Kl2_eKo&feature=youtu.be , and http://youtube.com/watch?v=BoPfVGt92TM . At least 15 people having been pushed out of a moving special train carrying Northeasterners fleeing Bangalore to Guwahati, six of whom died and nine seriously injured, was also committed by RAW, to make them feel they will not be safe except in a separate country; the separatist movements in the Northeast are CIA-RAW sponsored; see what I have said above on August 7 '12 about the creation of Pakistan and Bangladesh by the Intelligence Bureau and RAW. Do I have to provide ball-by-ball commentary on hundreds of acts committed by RAW every day in service of the CIA or are India's nuclear forces going to do their job of simultaneously destroying New Delhi, Washington and New York without further delay? Satish Chandra
--------END OF COMMENT-------
The "hundreds of acts" include acts in every conceivable sphere of life; just the number of joint secretaries RAW has is in the hundreds and all they do is rule India as a branch of the CIA; what India's insect politicians -- in and out of Parliament -- do, what India's insect journalists, insect civil servants, etc. say or do is all determined by CIA-RAW; see http://WhatYouShouldKnowAboutRAW.blogspot.com .
I have saved India's nuclear forces from falling for having India's nuclear warheads tested in Russian or French high energy labs (I wrote that the Physics of what happens in a nuclear explosion cannot adequately be replicated in a high energy lab; laboratory models of missiles and jet aircraft may not have this deficiency but laboratory models of nuclear weapons do, because of which there is no substitute for explosive tests), from sabotage of the warheads by microwave signals from U.S. satellites, from falling for the explosive tests of new designs without first destroying New Delhi, Washington and New York with existing warheads even if their actual yield is a fraction of the design yields because any new explosive tests at this point will eliminate surprise and prompt the U.S. to take steps to forestall the simultaneous destruction of New Delhi, Washington and New York on which India's victory depends -- see paragraphs dated August 10, 2012 below. CIA and RAW are full of tricks and India's nuclear forces will keep falling for them unless they trigger the warheads without further delay.
Two paragraphs from my press release dated November 26, 2010 and a paragraph from my press release dated November 29, 2010 have been reproduced below:-
From my PRESS RELEASE DATED NOVEMBER 26, 2010: "When I say there is no substitute for full yield explosive tests of nuclear weapons, I say this from a purely engineering point of view and not for demonstrating to the world that our weapons work. As I said in a letter to the press after the 1998 tests when R. Chidambaram claimed that his computer models enable him to build higher yield weapons which need not undergo explosive tests, 'One could not legitimately rely on an automobile engine developed on that basis if your life depended on its working the very first time it is ever used, much less a nuclear weapon'. This applies to both computer models and laboratory models. What happens in a high energy lab is a highly imperfect laboratory model of a nuclear weapon which does not take account of a multitude of things. If computer models and laboratory models were sufficient, there will be no need for flight tests of missiles and jet aircraft, etc.
The Physics of what happens in a nuclear explosion cannot adequately be replicated in a high energy lab. Laboratory models of missiles and jet aircraft may not have this deficiency but laboratory models of nuclear weapons do."
From my PRESS RELEASE DATED NOVEMBER 29, 2010: "It is now being put out that a "fix" has been applied to the 1998 failed thermonuclear weapon design and there is no need for an explosive test of the "fixed" design because the designers have "confidence" it will work. But it is a very foolish designer who does not test his "fix" with an explosive test. Didn't R. Chidambaram have confidence in his 1998 design which failed? There has been no "fix" until the weapon is shown to work in an explosive test -- shown as much to the designer as to the world. A designer who says it is not necessary is too stupid to design even a toaster, much less a nuclear weapon."
The fact that R. Chidambaram could get away with his outrageous claim in 1998 that his computer models enable him to build higher yield weapons which need not undergo explosive tests and similar claims about the "fix" applied to the failed thermonuclear weapon design, unchallenged by India's huge science and technology community except from me, shows that India's science and technology community is bereft of any intelligence. The fact of the homosexual M. K. Gandhi being a lifelong British agent to which I referred below -- as was Nehru who admitted this to U.S. ambassador J. K. Galbraith -- who wrote to the white man 'How completely you have taken possession of my body; it is slavery with a vengeance' (this letter is in his Archives and was included in his biography titled "Great Soul" by a Jew from the New York Times, Joseph Lelyveld, whose motivation was to demolish an Indian icon respected around the world while the Jews at the New York Times have been covering up their ferocious crimes against India's real "Great Soul") and waged a fake 'Independence' struggle managed by the Intelligence Bureau and yet remains a revered figure for one and a quarter billion Indians, along with the fact that a handful of the British from half way around the world ruled India for centuries and now the CIA rules India through RAW, shows that India's is a population of insects and whether a few tens of thousands or a few million are killed in the nuclear destruction of New Delhi, it will be the death of insects. India's nuclear forces have the benefit of guidance from me and that makes all the difference and will enable India to win over its enemy, the United States. There is nothing peculiarly Indian about this situation; as I wrote on June 15, 2010 (included in 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.'): "The life of a nation includes and can be defined by the life of a leader whose psyche and genes they come to share. By cutting off the life of the Indian who is the life and light of India from the Indian people, putting in place long time agents of British intelligence and the C.I.A. such as the Nehru family and Vajpayee instead, C.I.A.-RAW have ensured the decay and death of the Indian nation. The nuclear destruction of New Delhi (above) can change this situation and bring India back to life."
Two videos of myself reading the above paragraphs are on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdeE1h4m1tQ&feature=plcp and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cf2CPk7URcw&feature=channel&list=UL
AUGUST 20, 2012: At least 15 people having been pushed out of a moving special train carrying Northeasterners fleeing Bangalore to Guwahati, six of whom died and nine seriously injured, was also committed by RAW, to make them feel they will not be safe except in a separate country; the separatist movements in the Northeast are CIA-RAW sponsored; see what I have said below on August 7 '12 about the creation of Pakistan and Bangladesh by the Intelligence Bureau and RAW. Do I have to provide ball-by-ball commentary on hundreds of acts committed by RAW every day in service of the CIA or are India's nuclear forces going to do their job of simultaneously destroying New Delhi, Washington and New York without further delay?
AUGUST 19, 2012 : The Nag missile failure today was caused by microwave signals from U.S. satellites with the complicity of the current Army chief Bikram Singh and DRDO chief V. K. Saraswat as well as RAW; see 'Indian Air Force Pilots' Murder' : http://IndianAirForcePilotsMurder.blogspot.com . As I have said below, India must get rid of 90% of its conventional forces and replace them with nuclear forces and the simultaneous nuclear destruction of New Delhi, Washington and New York (below) will enable India to do so. This must be done without further delay.
The exodus of Northeasterners from South Indian cities has been instigated by RAW as was the anti-migrant violence in Assam as I said on August 7 '12 below.
Fareed Zakaria (below) is a full participant in the Jews' orgies of torturing and feasting on the flesh of trafficked Indian children; see http://ThisIsWhatTheJewsHaveBeenDoing.blogspot.com .
AUGUST 14, 2012: On June 23, 2010 I wrote (see my blog 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.' ) :-
"JUNE 23, 2010: Indians need to realize the determining role of force even in economic relations. When insects such as Pranab Mukherjee talk of closer economic relations between India and the United States, they mean making Indians into slave labor for the American consumer as the Chinese have become so that the Americans no longer produce things, the Chinese toil to produce things for them to consume and all the Americans have to do is keep the whip over the Chinese and get the cooperation of China's ruling class by giving employment to their family members in the United States as they do to Indians. This master-slave relationship can be reversed or ended by bringing superior force to bear against the United States. Only I can provide such superior force to India and make India master, rather than slave, of the United States, exercising the power of life and death over the Americans and exterminate them to put an end to this scourge.
India must get rid of 90% of its conventional forces and replace them with nuclear forces. Conventional forces are worthless for destroying the United States. Taking care of the enemy United States will take care of all other enemies. It is not just the production of consumer goods that the United States has transferred to slaves abroad. It is doing so for its fighting and invading as it ... is on the way to doing ... with India. It is not just that all insurgency and terrorism in India is C.I.A.-sponsored; so is the sea piracy around Somalia etc. which has been used to draw the Indian Navy into serving under the United States and these buggers are only too happy to resume the role they used to play for the British in Mesopotamia and elsewhere in World War I and II, etc."
The simultaneous nuclear destruction of New Delhi, Washington and New York (below) will enable India to replace 90% of its conventional forces with nuclear forces.
See http://youtube.com/watch?v=BoPfVGt92TM , http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdeE1h4m1tQ&feature=plcp and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cf2CPk7URcw&feature=channel&list=UL
AUGUST 11, 2012: Fareed Zakaria and other Indians were brought to the Harvard Political Science department by Samuel Huntington, who had been U.S. National Security Advisor, after I wrote to the latter about the ferocious crimes against me at Harvard after I exposed B. F. Skinner's plagiarism; see 'B. F. Skinner's Plagiarism' : http://BFSkinnersPlagiarism.blogspot.com. Huntington tried to explain away these crimes by writing his 'Clash of Civilizations'. The Jews at the New York Times made Zakaria a big shot to hide their crimes against me; see http://NuclearSupremacyForIndiaOverUS.blogspot.com . The latest developments are in two videos on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YeshjIItgco and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPA9Kl2_eKo&feature=youtu.be .
AUGUST 10, 2012: In my press releases in recent months I have said:-
Now that the United States knows that it is highly likely that Washington and New York will be destroyed by India in the very near future, it will seek to destroy India with thousands of nuclear warheads before India destroys Washington and New York. The United States admits to having about five thousand deployed nuclear warheads and an even larger number in storage which are a few turns of a screw driver away from being deployed. You can be sure those screw drivers are whirling furiously. Although, like India, the United States can destroy a few targets in India with a warning that India will be totally obliterated with thousands of nuclear warheads if India explodes any of its nuclear warheads in U. S. cities, it will not do so; instead it will attack with thousands of nuclear warheads in the first instance hoping there will be no one left in India able or willing to trigger the warheads emplaced in U. S. cities. If India triggers its nuclear warheads emplaced in Washington and New York before the U. S. destroys India with thousands of nuclear warheads, with a warning that additional U. S. cities will be destroyed if there is any retaliation, it will have destroyed Washington and New York now without itself suffering a single casualty and can destroy the United States coast-to-coast five years later. If India does not destroy Washington and New York before the United States destroys India with thousands of nuclear warheads, India will have been destroyed without the United States suffering a single casualty. The United States is absolutely certain to attack India with thousands of nuclear warheads to destroy its ability to destroy a single U. S. city -- unless India destroys Washington and New York first with a warning that additional U. S. cities will be destroyed if there is any retaliation. The United States may offer to disband the CIA, pull out of Afghanistan immediately, etc., to delay India destroying Washington and New York but it will go ahead with a surprise attack with thousands of nuclear warheads on India no matter what India says or does by way of assurances to the United States that it is satisfied and will not destroy Washington and New York. In conventional warfare, the 'element of surprise' may give one side an 'edge'; in this situation, it makes the difference between destroying the enemy without yourself suffering a single casualty or being destroyed without the enemy suffering a single casualty. For India, it means triggering its warheads in Washington and New York before the United States triggers its warheads; for the United States it means triggering its warheads before India triggers its warheads.
Triggering India's nuclear warheads to destroy the enemy has to be done without delay or dawdling because otherwise the enemy may carry out a first strike on India or, since the traitor regime in New Delhi remains in place, do something else, for example, with its special forces teams it has "laid down" in India as a U.S. admiral recently disclosed in Congressional testimony. Since the enemy holds India in slavery -- though this fact is covered up; see the file attached to this press release, which has been attached to my press releases hundreds of times before, of K. Subrahmanyam and CIA Director Michael Hayden coming on line and their offer to transfer one crore rupees into my bank account within 48 hours if I agree to work with them -- it is meaningless to talk of 'deterring' the United States; the task is to DESTROY -- not DETER -- the United States by triggering the warheads in Washington and New York with a warning that additional cities will be destroyed if there is any retaliation. Destroying the enemy by triggering the warheads in Washington and New York should be a professional, happy act performed in an instant -- no need to agonize over it -- and the best time to trigger them is on a working day during working hours in Washington and New York between 9 A.M. and 5 P.M. Washington and New York time, though other days and times are also good.
The nuclear destruction of Washington and New York -- even if the actual yield of the Indian nuclear warheads exploded in these two cities is twenty kilotons in each city rather than two hundred kilotons or more -- without delay or dawdling, with a warning that additional U.S. cities will be destroyed with nuclear warheads already emplaced in them if there is any retaliation, will immediately make India the supreme power in the world.
A video of myself reading the above three paragraphs is on YouTube and its URL is:
( The URL of the copy of this video sent earlier was http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3Ka8wTW87M&feature=plcp )
FURTHER ADDED ON AUGUST 8, 2012: India's nuclear forces may wonder if what I have said below is really from me or whether it has been manufactured by the CIA or RAW as I have said they have manufactured things in the past. I have recorded a video of myself reading the two paragraphs below and posted it on YouTube and that will provide some additional evidence that it is indeed from me. The URL of the video is:
AUGUST 8, 2012: Obama is "heart broken" at this preplanned murder of Indians by U.S. agencies as part of a psy op (below) aimed at keeping India's nuclear forces from doing their job of destroying the enemy which they must proceed with as a professional, happy act performed in an instant.
AUGUST 7, 2012: The current anti-migrant violence in India's Assam and the killing of Sikhs in the United States are two pre-planned, coordinated psy-ops -- psychological operations -- of Indian and U.S. government agencies. Just as the riots during the Partition were instigated by the Intelligence Bureau which had remained loyal to the British and other sectarian and other violence, such as the one which led to the creation of Bangladesh, has been instigated by RAW which functions as a branch of the CIA -- see 'What You Should Know About RAW' : http://WhatYouShouldKnowAboutRAW.blogspot.com -- and other intelligence agencies in the region, so was the current anti-migrant violence in Assam. The gun man in the killing of Sikhs in Wisconsin was never killed, the policeman who was critically injured was never injured and the media were kept miles away from the scene to keep the truth about this staged operation covered up.
AUGUST 6, 2012: The killing of half a dozen Sikhs in the United States is being called "senseless" but in fact it was highly sensible. I have said below that India's government and people can accurately be described as "Criminal Blackie Slaves" and Sikhs share this characteristic. Sikhs were a principal instrument in the British killing over ten million Indians in just the ten years after 1857 and their devotion to the White Master -- I have referred to a Sikh riding in a jeep with the British viceroy gunning down any Indian, man woman or child, who came in view on either side of the road -- remains intact to this day; on Pakistan Defence Forum, someone using the handle 'Indian Sikh' proudly said how a British or American official in the subcontinent would want a Sikh to be his body guard. The simultaneous nuclear destruction of New Delhi, Washington and New York by India's nuclear forces (below) will kill a few tens of thousands up to a few million of these Criminal Blackie Slaves and end white colonial rule over India. Nothing else will.
AUGUST 5, 2012: The following are my two posts on a column titled "Nothing tolerable about radical Islamism" in The Pioneer:-
I. About the Bamiyan Buddhas:-
In a letter dated March 1, 2001 to the press I wrote:
Date: March 1, 2001
Dear Editor: If ever there was a case for a United Nations' military intervention, the destruction of ancient statues in Afghanistan is one. India's government ought to drop paratroops where the destruction is occurring or threatened and send in planes and tanks, as planes and tanks are being used for the destruction. But the United Nations should move whether or not the Indian government does. I have shown elsewhere that India's government and people can accurately be described as "Criminal Blackie Slaves". India's armed forces are among the largest in the world but what are the chances that they have a contingency plan to take control of Afghanistan--a part of traditional India--if necessary (the United States' armed forces have a plan for every contingency)? India's lazy and stupid generals spend their time saluting Criminal Blackie Slaves such as India's prime ministers & each other; hence the necessity of UN intervention. (A news item in the Indian press today says China has said it will not press India and Pakistan to hold talks--because of my reference, below, to the Indian government killing tens of thousands of its own people in self-staged terrorist incidents to be able to say to the White Master it will not hold talks till such incidents stop. Note that the people of Afghanistan & Pakistan as well as Kashmir are Indians forcibly converted by handfuls of invaders--just as Indians were ruled for centuries by a handful of the British from across the seven seas--and now hate Indians for not protecting them. The Taliban's behavior is a variation on the theme of the 'Stockholm Syndrome', like Patty Hearst embracing the cause of the Symbionese Liberation Army. As to what turned India into a land of Patty Hearsts--that has to do with the 175 foot tall statue of Buddha the Taliban is destroying). Satish Chandra
In a letter dated March 2, 2001 to the press I wrote:
Date: March 2, 2001
Dear Editor: As I expected, India's Criminal Blackie Slave prime minister (this is the name for him you need to remember, Mr. Bush) has been content to write to the White Master about the destruction of the statues (below). I had hoped that Pakistan's Gen. Musharraf might come through again as he did once before in Sri Lanka but he is in Saudi Arabia for eight days on a religious pilgrimage. It is time Mr. Bush made himself useful to mankind (instead of just people in his tax bracket) and sent in American forces to stop the destruction. (Typical of a role the ethnic group below plays, today's New York Times tried to 'neutralize' the implications of the giant Buddha statues in Afghanistan and pander to--or, rather, incite--the aggression of its readers by filling the top of the front page and an entire inside page with a story, datelined February 25 but dug up for this purpose, with many large color photos--one of which occupied the entire width of the page--with the theme of the poverty, hunger, backwardness and beggary of Afghanistan's people. Typical of another role this ethnic group plays were Israeli rescuers striking a heroic pose in color photos at the top of the front page of the New York Times after the bombings of American embassies in Africa arranged, as I have shown elsewhere, by Israel and its friends in the U. S. Cabinet and elsewhere). Satish Chandra
Why isn't The Pioneer reporting, as news, what I have said below?
In a press release on May 27, 2012 I said : "An operative of CIA-RAW, which works for American rule over India and is responsible for all insurgencies and separatism in India -- see 'What You Should Know About RAW' ( http://WhatYouShouldKnowAboutRAW.blogspot.ca ) -- is posting repeated comments on Times of India on how an Indian boy from Bengal who cracked centuries-old Math problems is Tamil because the scientific community in India is predominantly Tamil. Nobel Prizes, even in science, are awarded by Westerners to serve their imperialist interests. It is well known that Tagore got the Nobel Prize because he wrote 'Jana Gana Mana' as a hymn to the visiting British emperor. An Indian from Uttar Pradesh would easily merit half a dozen Nobel Prizes but an Economics Nobel was given to a mediocre man, Amartya Sen, as a substitute for the former to keep the Westerners' crimes against the former covered up; see 'How India's Economy Can Grow 30% Per Year Or More': http://HowIndiasEconomyCanGrow.blogspot.ca. Tamils are given Nobel Prizes because they are seen as less resisting of Westerners' rule/domination of the subcontinent; the British got into the subcontinent primarily through Bengal and Madras. Jews get a lot of Nobel prizes because of their ferocious crimes; see 'This Is What The Jews Have Been Doing': http://ThisIsWhatTheJewsHaveBeenDoing.blogspot.ca . On knowing this, Rajiv Gandhi when prime minister proposed that India have its own 'Nobel' prizes, but RAW nixed it."
In response to what I said above, the Jews, through a Jewish billionaire in Russia, have awarded a prize of three million dollars each to nine physicists including an Indian, Ashoke Sen, who, like Amartya Sen, is mediocre, to retain their control of which Indian scientists they will 'recognize' -- the mediocre ones -- and which they will destroy -- the best. The same is the case for 'recognition' from the Americans, the British and other white countries. The Jews' assault on the world's greatest scientist in a Harvard University seminar, which I described in a letter to Indira Gandhi as prime minister as "the equivalent of an annihilatory nuclear first strike on India", exceeds a million times a million of such three million dollar prizes they may award to Indians. The punishment will be commensurate with the crime.
Indians as a rule are inferior Indian niggers unfit to talk about strategic matters, especially if it involves the White Master in any way, which it always does. That is why in his 'Mein Kampf' Adolf Hitler said "As for India, I would rather see India under the British than under any one else". It is not just that a handful of the British from half way around the world ruled India for centuries; a lot of other people from various countries did that for a thousand years before that.
A modern day Babar will start each day by killing a million Indians before breakfast every morning, though some think three million will be better (this number can be herded into fairly small extermination circles and then a neutron bomb exploded over them).
I am an Indian, but as far above the other Indians as they may be above cockroaches.
The criminals of CIA-RAW have been deleting my posted comments; save this on your computer and pass it on.
CIA-RAW can make India's power grids fail by microwave signals from satellites. See 'Indian Air Force Pilots' Murder' : http://IndianAirForcePilotsMurder.blogspot.com and addendum dated February 26, 2006 titled 'National Security Crisis Due To Microwaves From Satellites' in my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.' : http://NuclearSupremacyForIndiaOverUS.blogspot.com which can also be found by a Yahoo/Google search with the title. Satish Chandra
This power grids failure is part of a national security crisis due to microwaves from U.S. satellites in which the criminals of the Congress party, the BJP as well as RAW, the armed forces chiefs, etc. have been fully complicit, for which they all deserve to be summarily executed. In a press release dated February 26, 2006 titled "National Security Crisis Due to Microwaves from Satellites", whose text I also posted on the above blog from which the following is taken, I said:-
"ADDED ON FEBRUARY 26, 2006: National security crisis due to microwaves from satellites:
I. Microwaves from satellites can be used not just for audio and video surveillance (see addendum dated February 10, 2006 to letter dated May 11, 2005, above). Three days ago, I had put my computer to sleep when I went to sleep. As I approached my work table on getting up a few hours later, the computer switched on without my doing it ; the C.I.A. had switched it on remotely by microwaves hoping I will continue something I was doing on the computer before I went to sleep and this occurred several more times. In the past, when I was doing something, such as preparing one of these letters to the press, on my computer, the screen would suddenly be replaced with, say, a Google search box without my doing anything and it appeared the C.I.A. was remotely controlling my computer over the Internet, but its switching on without being connected to the Internet or the telephone line showed the control was by microwaves. Even signals over the telephone lines usually travel, at least part of the way, over microwaves. This shows that the C.I.A. can control any digital equipment, not just computers, by microwaves from satellites. This applies to all digital equipment, such as that used in a multitude of defence applications, electric power grids, nuclear power plants, etc., even if the equipment is not connected to the outside world by telephone lines. This means that all digital equipment should be shielded so it cannot be operated by microwaves from satellites. The turning on and off of a television set, changing its channels, etc., by a remote is done similarly though TV remotes use infra-red rays instead of microwaves. In a letter to the press several years ago, I also mentioned that the C.I.A. was able to remotely monitor what was being typed on an old-fashioned electric typewriter."
II. "If the United States president, the number one criminal in the world, sets foot in India, he should be hanged, along with the gun-toting goons who protect this criminal, from the lamp posts along Rajpath. About India's traitor prime ministers, I said about Vajpayee that an appropriate punishment for him will be that 'his arms and legs should be cut off, ground up, made into a keema and force-fed to him till his own body turns the rest of his body into faeces. Then, when he is hanged, extra weights should be attached to his torso to ensure that the fall breaks his neck. Alternatively, he could be executed by a firing squad.' If India's current imbecile-traitor prime minister utters a single word about India's nuclear program to the Americans, he deserves the death penalty. But neither he nor the traitors of RAW on the C.I.A.'s payroll who, as pieces of dog-faeces, sit at C.I.A.-supplied terminals to participate in the destruction of India's greatest scientist and the greatest living Indian, are fit to be made into dog-food that could be exported to earn a few pennies. I will leave it to the Russians to decide what to do about their traitor president. But first they have to do something about the fact that their intelligence agencies are on the C.I.A.'s payroll."
JOIN INDIA'S WAR OF INDEPENDENCE -- http://JoinIndiaWarOfIndependence.blogspot.com -- not the homosexual M. K. Gandhi's followers being used by CIA-RAW to keep India poor, weak and enslaved via INDIA'S TRAITOR GOVERNMENT AND MEDIA -- http://IndiasTraitorGovtAndMedia.blogspot.com -- and hide their biggest crimes. Do Yahoo/Google search for NuclearSupremacyForIndiaOverUSDOTblogspotDOTcom and SatyamShivamSundaramSatishChandraDOTblogspotDOTcom for India's legitimate ruler. Satish Chandra
The criminals of CIA-RAW have been deleting my posted comments; save this on your computer and pass it on.
After he had been chief editor of the Times of India, Arun Shourie said about it "Akhbar nahin, sarkar hai". That's fine and it is not just the Times of India but the sarkar -- government -- of India consists of white colonial rule (below), specifically of the CIA and so do the media. That is not fine.
About two hours after Rajesh Singh's column of July 25 '12 in The Pioneer was posted at midnight, Indian Standard Time, the hit counter for that column showed it had 678 hits and my blog, 'Satyam Shivam Sundaram Satish Chandra' : http://SatyamShivamSundaramSatishChandra.blogspot.com had 44 hits originating from my comment below that column. As soon as I saw this, CIA-RAW, which can control and alter absolutely everything on any web page as I have described in the above blog, saw my seeing these hit rates and clamped down on the hit counts and both of the displayed hit rates immediately fell to less than a tenth, to less than a twentieth or a fiftieth of the actual hit rates since the rates are higher in day time. CIA-RAW does this routinely, in part to prevent me from getting any 'reinforcement' from my work as it has been doing for the past 35 years as I have described in the above blog but it also does many things to deny the public access to my work while stealing it for itself. (Besides electronic stealing via microwaves from satellites, the CIA routinely sends people to live next to or on the same floor as me -- both in the United States and Canada -- who sneak into my room/apartment and steal my hand written notes, valuable documents, etc.; they even stole four thousand dollars in U.S. Postal Service money orders I had kept in my room but I was able to get a refund by showing their purchase receipts to the Postal Service when I found out the theft). Is CIA-RAW's deleting my posted comments, tampering with hit counts, etc. acceptable to the Pioneer Editor Chandan Mitra who is a member of the Rajya Sabha? As I said in a past comment, both Patriot editor R. K. Mishra and Chandan Mitra were made members of the Rajya Sabha for helping to keep the lid on these crimes against me and against India and many, many others have been similarly rewarded. The Pioneer columnist Sandhya Jain's father, Girilal Jain, when chief editor of the Times of India, had refused to lift the lid from the crimes against me and against India but still was fired for showing my influence otherwise. Columnist Tavleen Singh of Indian Express about two and a half decades ago wrote in her column that "senior journalists" had been given, "virtually free", "spacious government flats" in New Delhi which would rent at a minimum fifty lakhs per year at market rates -- now they would rent at several crores per year -- for keeping these crimes covered up and otherwise rewarded -- Kuldip Nayar was made High Commissioner to the U.K. -- for the same reason. These were rewards. As for punishments, a press cartoonist in Delhi, who happened to be Muslim, was brutally tortured and murdered and his body dumped in a ditch outside Delhi for publishing a cartoon showing the Italian woman being thrown out of an airplane after I suggested in a letter to the press that she be thrown out of an air plane. John Perry, the publisher and editor of News India, New York, was jailed for several years, with the help of RAW, on the unprecedented charge of falsifying his circulation figures because his newspaper carried front page lead stories about me and published my letters, as I have mentioned in the above blog. J. N. Parimoo, who was the Times of India correspondent in Washington in the early 1980s, asked me if even a public television station had not done a story on the persecution of the world’s greatest scientist and greatest living Indian below; he would not do a story on it unless it first came out in the U.S. media. A few years later I received a certified letter, return receipt requested, from CBS News which wanted to do a ‘Sixty Minutes’ segment on it which was the most widely watched public affairs program in the U.S. at that time (the letter asked my permission for them to “read” a short piece, titled “The Soviet Coup”, that described the matter in a few words that I had faxed to CBS News and other media). When I did not respond (I had sent it to be read, what else? They had evidently read it for them to send a certified letter, return receipt requested. The letter seemed like a ploy for them to deny they knew about the matter it described), ‘Sixty Minutes’ did a segment on bride burnings in India, instead. As I have also mentioned in the above blog, RAW made calls to The Week magazine pretending they were from me and sent a look alike of me to Organiser.
CIA-RAW's control of the media and crimes against me and India have occurred on a moment to moment basis for the past 35 years. How will these be dealt with? See the links below.
Why bother about Pranab Mukherjee when the most intelligent, most handsome man on Earth, whose toe nail clippings are worth more to India and the world than the rest of the billion plus Indians combined, is an Indian? See 'Satyam Shivam Sundaram Satish Chandra' :
'Join India's War of Independence' :
Pranab Mukherjee is a beneficiary and participant in the crimes of CIA-RAW. He cannot be allowed to stay in the Viceregal Palace.
Yes, it is an outrage that General V. K. Singh, who reported the 14 crore rupees bribe offer to him to the Defence Minister immediately as A. K. Antony admitted in Parliament which establishes the prima facie truth of his allegation against Tejinder Singh who offered the bribe, was in effect arrested along with the serving vice chief of army staff, head of military intelligence etc. and set free on bail -- by a magistrate and High Court judges prima facie acting under the influence of bribes and/or threats from C.I.A.-RAW (see 'What You Should Know About RAW' below) who must be removed from the bench, tried and hanged for high treason or, better, summarily executed by firing squad by the Army without a trial since India is engaged in a War of Independence from white colonial rule described in 'Join India's War of Independence' below and an arrest of Army officers constitutes capture by enemy agents -- for 'defaming' Tejinder Singh by making this bribery allegation against Tejinder Singh "who had a long and distinguished career in the Army", as is the murder of hundreds of Indian Air Force pilots by the serving chief of air staff in collaboration with the C.I.A. -- see 'Indian Air Force Pilots' Murder' : http://indianairforcepilotsmurder.blogspot.com/
-- and K. Subrahmanyam and the C.I.A. Director openly offering to transfer one crore rupees into my bank account within 48 hours if I agreed to work with them -- see 'Offer to me by K. Subrahmanyam and C.I.A. Director' :
-- but these things are consequences of the British killing over ten million Indians in just the ten years after 1857 in just Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Bihar because of which India remains under white colonial rule (below).
A report headed "Former Army chief V K Singh's aide in mental ward" (Times of India, July 21, 2012, Internet) says "Colonel Honey Bakshi was handpicked to head the Technical Support Division (TSD), a new secretive unit created by General V K Singh after he took over as Army chief in March 2010. He continued to head the New Delhi-based unit after the change of guard in the Army. ... On Wednesday, the officer was admitted to the psychiatric ward of the Army Hospital in what is being seen as the latest twist in the simmering factional feud in the Army. The Military Intelligence (MI) officer has told doctors that he was being mentally harassed by some of his senior officers. ... anonymous complaints and media reports claimed that the officer was instrumental in illegally tapping phones of many important persons in the national capital. ... The dramatic turn for Col Bakshi shows that the fight between rival groups in the Army continues. With Gen Singh retiring on May 31, there have been allegations doing the rounds that the new Army regime is harassing officers who had once been close to Gen Singh, including Col Bakshi." I have said in press releases for about a year that the current Army chief, Bikram Singh, is an enemy agent. An army fights enemy agents with weapons, not mental wards.
Manmohan Singh at the G-20 meeting in Mexico on June 18 '12 pledged $10 billion to the IMF to help European countries such as Greece and Italy cope with debt but will not use the money to help tens of thousands of Indian farmers committing suicide due to indebtedness or hundreds of millions of India's malnourished children. He seeks foreign investment -- that is, foreign ownership and control of India -- but will not invest the hundreds of billions of dollars he has given to the United States government -- in exchange for U.S. Treasury bonds -- in India. This is not even counting the unlimited amount of capital available to India by simply printing the money so long as it is used for productive purposes: 'How India's Economy Can Grow 30% Per Year Or More' : http://HowIndiasEconomyCanGrow.blogspot.com . An example of foreign investment trumpeted by Commerce and Industry Minister Anand Sharma is a $5 billion investment in India announced by Coca Cola to give Indians harmful-to-health beverages and replace healthier and tastier Indian beverages. Such examples of American rule over India in economic, military and all spheres can be multiplied hundreds of times. India's nuclear forces have been accused in the past of presenting photo-shopped non-existent missiles and non-existent nuclear warheads but India's nuclear warheads emplaced in U.S. cities since then are not non-existent : 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.' : http://nuclearsupremacyforindiaoverus.blogspot.com/. If it is the non-existence of "knowledge, intelligence, courage and character" which is responsible for their not having triggered the warheads, with a warning that additional U.S. cities will be destroyed if there is any retaliation, it is MY responsibility to provide the knowledge, intelligence, courage and character; all they have to do is obey India's legitimate ruler and it is high time they did so without further delay: 'Satyam Shivam Sundaram Satish Chandra' : http://satyamshivamsundaramsatishchandra.blogspot.com/ .
I have referred in 'Source of Manmohan Singh's 'Deep Love' For Bush' -- http://sourceofmanmohansinghsdeeploveforbush.blogspot.com/ -- to the British in India having killed over ten million Indians in just the ten years after 1857; people have mistakenly assumed these to be deaths caused by famine but NO, NO, NO, these were deaths caused by the gun and sword and hangings and being blown from the mouths of cannons in just the ten years after 1857 in just Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Bihar; the deaths caused by famines during British rule were quite separate from this; see Amaresh Misra's 'India AD 1857' in two volumes totaling over two thousand pages (Delhi: Rupa & Co., 2008) which describes hundreds of the battles fought during the 1857 uprising which was thousands of times bigger and more extensive, over the entire subcontinent, than India's colonial administration -- all Indian governments after 1947 have been a continuation of white colonial rule; see 'What You Should Know About RAW': http://whatyoushouldknowaboutraw.blogspot.com/ -- will let Indians know; this two volume work should replace the Ramayan and Mahabharat as required daily reading in Indian homes and schools -- all educational institutions at all levels should have required courses in the 1857 War of Independence studies -- without which Indians cannot capture the hatred for the white man (and woman) to win India's War of Independence: 'A Note on Hate': http://anoteonhate.blogspot.com/ and 'Join India's War of Independence' : http://joinindiawarofindependence.blogspot.com/ . With the simultaneous nuclear destruction of New Delhi, Washington and New York, with a warning that additional U.S. cities will be destroyed if there is any retaliation, this time the result of India's War of Independence will be different.
Satish Chandra
From my 'Join India's War of Independence' : http://joinindiawarofindependence.blogspot.com/ :-
For free transportation, free home, free education. free medical care, free food, free clothes, free computer, free phone, etc. for everyone, see 'How India's Economy Can Grow 30% Per Year Or More' : http://howindiaseconomycangrow.blogspot.com/ .
INDIA IN PERIL -- RAW'S SABOTAGE OF INDIA'S NUCLEAR WARHEADS: The Delhi High Court blast was carried out by RAW within a couple of hours of my pointing to RAW'S sabotage of India's nuclear warheads to divert attention from it. See 'What You Should Know About RAW' : http://whatyoushouldknowaboutraw.blogspot.com/ and 'Indian Air Force Pilots' Murder' : http://indianairforcepilotsmurder.blogspot.com/ .
NEW AIR FORCE CHIEF IS CIA-RAW MAN AS IS NEW ARMY CHIEF-DESIGNATE -- SEE 'WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT RAW' and 'Indian Air Force Pilots' Murder' : http://indianairforcepilotsmurder.blogspot.com/ .
The head of the Strategic Forces Command is a Christian and now the head of the Indian Air Force is also a Christian, not to mention that the Defence Minister is a Christian as was his predecessor -- motivated appointments, at the direction of the CIA, of armed forces chiefs who would be loyal to the Italian whore and to the white countries, expressly made to prevent India from emerging from slavery.
Just as RAW-induced cricket fever sweeps India and does no good and a lot of harm to India, replacing real victory and supremacy over white countries, for example, with fake 'victories' and 'supremacy' over enemies, Hazare's fake fast was entertainment -- the arrests and conflicts with government are meant to generate support and make/keep him a hero -- sponsored by CIA-RAW to keep India 'Gandhian' -- and so poor, weak and enslaved -- due to the recent disclosure that M. K. Gandhi, a lifelong British agent, was a homosexual who wrote to the white man "How completely you have taken possession of my body. It is slavery with a vengeance". Nehru admitted to U.S. ambassador Galbraith that he was a lifelong British agent. In my press release dated May 31, 2011 I said "In a letter which appeared in Indian Express, Delhi, under the heading "The Organ and the Keys" two decades ago, I described how RAW was supporting the half dozen terrorist groups in Sri Lanka against one another, playing them like the keys of an organ, bringing them all under its control to produce whatever music it wanted. I have said Anna Hazare's fast was sponsored by CIA-RAW (see my blog http://nuclearsupremacyforindiaoverus.blogspot.com/ ) but now RAW is also supporting Baba Ram Dev and if it makes him prime minister, will keep the threat of bringing his office under Lok Pal and, with true or false charges of corruption against him, keep him under its control. The Intelligence Bureau, out of which RAW was created, did this for half a century under the British -- instigating Hindu-Muslim conflicts and partition of India, etc. -- and continues the tactic to this day. Other activities of CIA-RAW, the real ruler of India, are deadlier, such as sabotaging its defence and economy. ... In the same letter in Indian Express I pointed out that a New York Times report shortly before the 1991 General Elections and Rajiv Gandhi's assassination said that Rajiv Gandhi told the foreign media in New Delhi that the Indian armed forces had "gone berserk in Kashmir. Human rights have been violated in Kashmir", that this comment of his was directed at U.S. lawmakers who control the CIA money which elects and keeps India's prime ministers in office and that the Indian press had failed to report this comment, controlled as it is by the CIA. His assassination followed within days of the publication of this letter of mine." The entire so-called freedom struggle under M. K. Gandhi consisted of such fake struggle with the government managed by the Intelligence Bureau after the British set up the Indian National Congress through the Britisher A. O. Hume after they had killed over ten million Indians in just the ten years after 1857, depopulating entire regions so there were not enough men left to till the land: The Guardian (August 24, 2007, Internet, report by Randeep Ramesh): "India's secret history: 'A holocaust, one where millions disappeared...': Author says British reprisals involved the killing of 10 m, spread over 10 years:..."; see my blog http://NuclearSupremacyForIndiaOverUS.blogspot.com . Now for India's real war of Independence. India has said that its nuclear warheads have been emplaced in various cities/countries such as New Delhi, Washington and New York. The nuclear destruction of these three cities, with a warning that additional U.S. cities will be destroyed if there is any retaliation, is the first step in the implementation of India's National Security Doctrine. The only way the United States will be able to keep two to three additional cities from being destroyed is by doing nothing in return. Five years later India can finish the job with its coast-to-coast destruction. With the impending nuclear destruction of New Delhi, Washington and New York, nothing else matters. I am India's expert in strategic defence, the father of India's strategic program including the Integrated Guided Missile Development Program, the world's greatest scientist (my biography is in Marquis' Who's Who in the World, 2011 and earlier editions) and India's legitimate ruler and my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U. S.', which can be found by a Yahoo search with the title, answers all questions. BEAT MEDIA PEOPLE TO DEATH FOR GIVING MORE COVERAGE TO CRICKETERS THAN TO ME. I am also the most intelligent, most handsome man on Earth. BEAT MEDIA PEOPLE TO DEATH FOR GIVING MORE COVERAGE TO FILM ACTORS THAN TO ME.
And what have CIA-RAW been doing to the leader of India's real war of Independence? I have described in my blog (http://nuclearsupremacyforindiaoverus.blogspot.com/ ) how the C.I.A. keeps India poor, weak and enslaved: "India's greatest scientist and greatest living Indian publicly tortured in Harvard seminar, systematically and totally starved for up to 3 weeks at a time, made semi-starved and homeless and even blind for years, kept under 24-hour audio and video surveillance as well as surveillance of [and interference with] communications and electrical typewriter and computer use, document creation and photocopying, etc., by satellite for more than past 3 decades, systematically harassed and in poverty and neutralised and robbed of his work at the cost of hundreds of millions of dollars per year, robbed of crores in his money and property in India by C.I.A.-RAW, forced back into exile in the U.S., all with full cooperation and participation of India's RAW and India's C.I.A.-RAW-controlled prime ministers, politicians and media -- to keep India poor, weak and enslaved" and how this means the nuclear destruction of New Delhi and then the coast-to-coast destruction of the United States. BEAT MEDIA PEOPLE TO DEATH FOR GIVING MORE COVERAGE TO HAZARE AND POLITICIANS THAN TO ME. Satish Chandra
JUNE 27, 2012: Manmohan Singh at the G-20 meeting in Mexico on June 18 '12 pledged ten billion dollars to the International Monetary Fund to help European countries such as Greece and Italy cope with debt but will not use the money to help tens of thousands of Indian farmers committing suicide due to indebtedness or hundreds of millions of India's malnourished children. He seeks foreign investment -- that is, foreign ownership and control of India -- but will not invest the hundreds of billions of dollars he has given to the United States government -- in exchange for U.S. Treasury bonds -- in India. This is not even counting the unlimited amount of capital available to India by simply printing the money so long as it is used for productive purposes: 'How India's Economy Can Grow 30% Per Year Or More': http://howindiaseconomycangrow.blogspot.com/ . An example of foreign investment being trumpeted today by Commerce and Industry Minister Anand Sharma is a five billion dollar investment in India announced by Coca Cola to give Indians harmful-to-health beverages and replace healthier and tastier Indian beverages. Such examples of American rule over India in economic, military and all spheres can be multiplied hundreds of times. India's nuclear forces have been accused in the past of presenting photo-shopped non-existent missiles and non-existent nuclear warheads but India's nuclear warheads emplaced in U.S. cities since then are not non-existent. If it is the non-existence of "knowledge, intelligence, courage and character" which is responsible for their not having triggered the warheads, it is MY responsibility to provide the knowledge, intelligence, courage and character; all they have to do is obey India's legitimate ruler and it is high time they did so without further delay.
MAY 14- JUNE 25, 2012: On April 2, 2010 I wrote (see my blog 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.' ) "India's missile men [are] responsible for all of India's problems. They occupy themselves with unproductive activities when all that is needed is prepositioning India's nuclear bombs in U.S. cities OR getting rid of the traitor regime in New Delhi."
These were two alternative paths for India to get into a position to destroy the enemy. India's nuclear forces have carried out the first of these alternatives -- emplaced India's nuclear warheads in U.S. cities, ready to be triggered. Triggering them to destroy the enemy has to be done without delay or dawdling because otherwise the enemy may carry out a first strike on India (see paragraph dated March 12, 2012 below) or, since the traitor regime in New Delhi remains in place, do something else, for example, with its special forces teams it has "laid down" in India (see paragraph dated March 4, 2012 below) as a U.S. admiral recently disclosed in Congressional testimony. Since the enemy holds India in slavery -- though this fact is covered up; see the file attached to this press release, which has been attached to my press releases hundreds of times before, of K. Subrahmanyam and CIA Director Michael Hayden coming on line and their offer to transfer one crore rupees into my bank account within 48 hours if I agree to work with them -- it is meaningless to talk of 'deterring' the United States; the task is to DESTROY -- not DETER -- the United States by triggering the warheads in Washington and New York with a warning that additional cities will be destroyed if there is any retaliation. With the destruction of Washington and New York, the traitor regime in New Delhi will have to go. Destroying the enemy by triggering the warheads in Washington and New York should be a professional, happy act performed in an instant -- no need to agonize over it -- and the best time to trigger them is on a working day during working hours in Washington and New York between 9 A.M. and 5 P.M. Washington and New York time, though other days and times are also good.
An operative of CIA-RAW, which works for American rule over India and is responsible for all insurgencies and separatism in India -- see 'What You Should Know About RAW' ( http://whatyoushouldknowaboutraw.blogspot.ca/ ) -- is posting repeated comments on Times of India on how an Indian boy from Bengal who cracked centuries-old Math problems is Tamil because the scientific community in India is predominantly Tamil. Nobel Prizes, even in science, are awarded by Westerners to serve their imperialist interests. It is well known that Tagore got the Nobel Prize because he wrote 'Jana Gana Mana' as a hymn to the visiting British emperor. An Indian from Uttar Pradesh would easily merit half a dozen Nobel Prizes but an Economics Nobel was given to a mediocre man, Amartya Sen, as a substitute for the former to keep the Westerners' crimes against the former covered up; see 'How India's Economy Can Grow 30% Per Year Or More': http://HowIndiasEconomyCanGrow.blogspot.ca. Tamils are given Nobel Prizes because they are seen as less resisting of Westerners' rule/domination of the subcontinent; the British got into the subcontinent primarily through Bengal and Madras. Jews get a lot of Nobel prizes because of their ferocious crimes; see 'This Is What The Jews Have Been Doing': http://thisiswhatthejewshavebeendoing.blogspot.ca/ . On knowing this, Rajiv Gandhi when prime minister proposed that India have its own 'Nobel' prizes, but RAW nixed it.
After 1857, Sikhs became a principal instrument of British rule over India -- see 'Source Of Manmohan Singh's 'Deep Love' For Bush' ( http://sourceofmanmohansinghsdeeploveforbush.blogspot.ca/ ) -- and the profusion of Sikhs in the 'line of succession' for Army Chief is in service of American rule over India. The Army Chief must immediately impose a 'discipline and vigilance ban' on the promotion of Lt. Gen. Bikram Singh, who has various charges against him pending in courts presided over by "blow with the wind" judges, to the post of Army Chief; there is no need to issue a show cause notice to him first as he did to Lt. Gen. Suhag. If the Army Chief does not do this by noon time, Indian Standard Time, on Monday, May 28 '12, THE NUCLEAR DESTRUCTION OF NEW DELHI SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH THAT OF WASHINGTON AND NEW YORK SHOULD PROCEED IMMEDIATELY.
MAY 8, 2012: The nuclear destruction of Washington and New York -- even if the actual yield of the Indian nuclear warheads exploded in these two cities is twenty kilotons in each city rather than two hundred kilotons or more -- without delay or dawdling, with a warning that additional U.S. cities will be destroyed with nuclear warheads already emplaced in them if there is any retaliation, will immediately make India the supreme power in the world.
APRIL 27, 2012: I have described (below) the task ahead in part as "killing hundreds of millions of the enemy and totally devastating their country [the United States]" and said "Just as RAW-induced cricket fever sweeps India and does no good and a lot of harm to India, replacing real victory and supremacy over white countries, for example, with fake 'victories' and 'supremacy' over enemies ... "; RAW mouthpiece Times of India has a headline referring to a fleck of inconsequential filth who plays cricket as "God". A large number of flecks of filth will die in the nuclear destruction of New Delhi that will occur along with that of Washington and New York. To India's nuclear forces -- who matter about a trillion times more than any cricketer -- I repeat that destroying the enemy without delay or dawdling, with the nuclear warheads India already has, comes first. The coast-to-coast destruction of the United States will be next.
APRIL 20-23, 2012: After the April 19 '12 Agni V test, the head of DRDO said "More than 80 % of the missile is indigenous, except for the electronic components which we import ... [PTI]". I have shown that the United States can hack into and disable or operate any digital equipment using microwave signals from satellites (see http://perilofimportingelectronicsfromus.blogspot.ca/ and http://indianairforcepilotsmurder.blogspot.ca/ ) and this includes the electronic circuitry of missiles and associated ground equipment, digital triggers of nuclear warheads, etc. and have given solutions. The United States can disable/destroy India's Agni V or any other missiles whenever it wants. On December 18, 2008 I said (see my blog 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.', which can be found by a Yahoo/Google search with the title) about Russia's lease of nuclear-powered submarines to India "It will be the easiest thing in the world for Russian intelligence agencies to install devices in these submarines with which they can track them and, in keeping with their "business" relationship with the U.S. intelligence agencies, enable the Americans to track them, too". The Americans can similarly track and/or disable the imported Tatra trucks which carry India's road-mobile missiles. I have shown ( see http://whatyoushouldknowaboutraw.blogspot.ca/ ) that India's RAW functions as a branch of the CIA against India and, among other things, sabotages indigenous technology development to keep India dependent on white countries. Some heads of technology development programs are given a cut from the kickbacks from imports but there is a qualitative difference between sharing in kickbacks from the import of tanks and sharing in kickbacks from the import of Tatra trucks which carry India's nuclear armed missiles because the import of Tatra trucks is meant to give the enemy -- the United States -- the ability to track and/or disable India's nuclear weapons; holding your head on being told about it and doing nothing further (the 7,000 Tatra trucks in the inventory remain in use and the import of innumerable kinds of similarly vulnerable poisoned equipment from submarines to aircraft to components continues as do 'exercises' with the enemy), continuing to enjoy the perquisites of office and serve the enemy's proxies and the Italian woman who gets by far the largest cuts from the kickbacks instead of going public on how India is ruled by India's enemies which makes it impossible to do anything but hold your head about the sabotage of India's nuclear weapons, as India's Defence Minister did, or offering to quit and saying he will not pursue it further (presumably because the CBI could not be trusted to bring the guilty, such as the Italian woman, to book or even investigate her), as India's Army chief did instead of removing this traitor government by force as I asked the Army to do such as by arresting the top one thousand or so officers of RAW (see my blog), constitutes participating in this sabotage of India's nuclear weapons. It is the highest treason.
A senior woman lawyer reportedly provided the Congress Party spokesman and chairman of a Parliamentary committee, Singhvi, with oral sex in his office in exchange for a promise of a Supreme Court judgeship; this is how Supreme Court judges get their Supreme Court judgeships and their collusion in the sabotage of India's nuclear weapons shows it. India's Defence Minister provides even greater gratification, including billions upon billions of dollars in kickbacks, to the Italian woman. That is how he became and remains Defence Minister and his participation in the sabotage of India's nuclear weapons is only to be expected.
The enemy remained firmly in control of India after the 1998 nuclear tests as before the tests and will remain firmly in control of India after any new tests of thermonuclear warheads that India's nuclear forces say will occur soon and has even prevented what I have said above from appearing in the media. Destroying the enemy without delay or dawdling, with the nuclear warheads India already has, comes first.
March 22, 2012: India's nuclear forces have neither the knowledge nor intelligence nor courage nor character to do any thing on their own; they can only obey India's legitimate ruler which is myself. I have repeatedly stated what I want done. Satish Chandra
March 12, 2012: Now that the United States knows that it is highly likely that Washington and New York will be destroyed by India in the very near future, it will seek to destroy India with thousands of nuclear warheads before India destroys Washington and New York. The United States admits to having about five thousand deployed nuclear warheads and an even larger number in storage which are a few turns of a screw driver away from being deployed. You can be sure those screw drivers are whirling furiously. Although, like India, the United States can destroy a few targets in India with a warning that India will be totally obliterated with thousands of nuclear warheads if India explodes any of its nuclear warheads in U. S. cities, it will not do so; instead it will attack with thousands of nuclear warheads in the first instance hoping there will be no one left in India able or willing to trigger the warheads emplaced in U. S. cities. If India triggers its nuclear warheads emplaced in Washington and New York before the U. S. destroys India with thousands of nuclear warheads, with a warning that additional U. S. cities will be destroyed if there is any retaliation, it will have destroyed Washington and New York now without itself suffering a single casualty and can destroy the United States coast-to-coast five years later. If India does not destroy Washington and New York before the United States destroys India with thousands of nuclear warheads, India will have been destroyed without the United States suffering a single casualty. The United States is absolutely certain to attack India with thousands of nuclear warheads to destroy its ability to destroy a single U. S. city -- unless India destroys Washington and New York first with a warning that additional U. S. cities will be destroyed if there is any retaliation. The United States may offer to disband the CIA, pull out of Afghanistan immediately, etc., to delay India destroying Washington and New York but it will go ahead with a surprise attack with thousands of nuclear warheads on India no matter what India says or does by way of assurances to the United States that it is satisfied and will not destroy Washington and New York. In conventional warfare, the 'element of surprise' may give one side an 'edge'; in this situation, it makes the difference between destroying the enemy without yourself suffering a single casualty or being destroyed without the enemy suffering a single casualty. For India, it means triggering its warheads in Washington and New York before the United States triggers its warheads; for the United States it means triggering its warheads before India triggers its warheads.
March 11, 2012: I have said that India is in a position to destroy its enemy -- the United States -- without itself suffering a single casualty. Not to take advantage of this opportunity is criminal. The killings of 16 Afghan civilians by a United States soldier today were part of deliberate policy of the United States which carries out such killings expressly as a means of subjugating the populations of the countries it invades; similar killings were extensively carried out by the United States in Iraq and by the British in India who killed over ten million Indians in just the ten years after 1857 (see report from The Guardian, August 24, 2007 below) and the results of that terrorization and subjugation of Indians I have described in my blog, 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.' (see 'Source of Manmohan Singh's Deep Love For Bush'); the British could not complete the subjugation of the part of traditional India that is Afghanistan and the Americans are continuing where the British left off.
March 8, 2012: The following is my E-Mail today to a company in China:-
--------START QUOTE---------
Thank you for the information about Bilberry extract. I had saved your E-Mail dated March 5, 2012 in a folder while I made a decision about a purchase but that E-Mail had disappeared when I looked for it today! On further checking I found your E-Mail dated March 7, 2012 which had been deleted [to the 'Trash' folder which is different from the 'Spam' folder] by some criminals without my even seeing it (I am an Indian living in Canada and my mail is subject to interference by criminals of both the Indian and United States intelligence agencies). Your E-Mail dated March 7 also has a copy of the E-Mail dated March 5, so I now have both your E-Mails. Any mail order shipments are also subject to interference and mischief of various kinds by these criminals and so I will plan on purchasing bilberry extract powder here in Toronto if I can find a supplier here. Thank you. Satish Chandra
--------END QUTE---------
As I have mentioned in my blog ('Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.'), the CIA once tampered with an eye medication I got by mail order, making me blind for two years.
On further looking in the 'Trash' folder, found an E-Mail dated March 5, 2012 from the U.S. Postal Service saying "Your PO Box payment in the amount of $47.00 has not yet been received. If your payment is not received by the 10th of this month, your box will be closed. ... If we have not received your payment by the 10th day after the due date, your PO Box service will be terminated and all incoming mail will be returned to senders. To reopen your box, you would need to pay in person and, in addition to any unpaid box fees, you may be assessed a lock change or handling fee. To avoid this inconvenience and this extra cost, we encourage you to renew on time." Both this E-Mail and the E-Mail the U.S. Postal Service would have sent me at the beginning of February (the payment was due on February 29) were deleted by CIA-RAW before I saw them.
Satish Chandra
March 4, 2012: The following are my posts made on Pakistan Defence Forum:-
---------START POST--------
A U.S. admiral when disclosing that U.S. special forces are "laid down" in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, etc. said they are 'not necessarily Department of Defense' but other agencies. These are CIA teams with the mission of snatching or neutralizing India's nuclear warheads, as similar CIA teams successfully did in Pakistan. Unless India's nuclear forces trigger India's nuclear warheads emplaced in New Delhi, Washington and New York without further delay (see my blog 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.' which can be found by a Yahoo/Google search with the title), the result will be worse than in Pakistan because India's RAW and other forces work for the CIA . I have said Bikram Singh, who has been designated as the Army chief beginning May 31 '12, is a CIA-RAW man and that must not be allowed. India's CIA-RAW government has been in a hurry to bring him in as Army chief to try and take India's nuclear warheads away from patriotic hands and in the hands of traitors. Satish Chandra
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------Start of quote from Beijing Consensus-------
india has become an american colony. great powers do not have foreign troops stationed inside your country. only the weak and meek allow foreign troops. china will never allow foreign troops to be stationed in china, thats because we are an independent country with independent foreing policy that dont bow to any foreign power. thats why US, china and russia are the only 3 major powers in this world.
-------End of quote from Beijing Consensus--------
In fact India never became independent. Just as the United States, after invading and subjugating Iraq and Afghanistan, set up a puppet regime in Iraq, declared it 'Independent' and left and is trying to set up a similar puppet regime in Afghanistan, the British set up a puppet regime in India and left. In fact the control of India was simply transferred to covert agencies. In a press release dated September 2, 2011 I said:-
----------START QUOTE-----------
Just as RAW-induced cricket fever sweeps India and does no good and a lot of harm to India, replacing real victory and supremacy over white countries, for example, with fake 'victories' and 'supremacy' over enemies, Hazare's fake fast was entertainment -- the arrests and conflicts with government are meant to generate support and make/keep him a hero -- sponsored by CIA-RAW to keep India 'Gandhian' -- and so poor, weak and enslaved -- due to the recent disclosure that M. K. Gandhi, a lifelong British agent, was a homosexual who wrote to the white man "How completely you have taken possession of my body. It is slavery with a vengeance". Nehru admitted to U.S. ambassador Galbraith that he was a lifelong British agent. In my press release dated May 31, 2011 I said "In a letter which appeared in Indian Express, Delhi, under the heading "The Organ and the Keys" two decades ago, I described how RAW was supporting the half dozen terrorist groups in Sri Lanka against one another, playing them like the keys of an organ, bringing them all under its control to produce whatever music it wanted. I have said Anna Hazare's fast was sponsored by CIA-RAW (see my blog below) but now RAW is also supporting Baba Ram Dev and if it makes him prime minister, will keep the threat of bringing his office under Lok Pal and, with true or false charges of corruption against him, keep him under its control. The Intelligence Bureau, out of which RAW was created, did this for half a century under the British -- instigating Hindu-Muslim conflicts and partition of India, etc. -- and continues the tactic to this day. Other activities of CIA-RAW, the real ruler of India, are deadlier, such as sabotaging its defence and economy. ... In the same letter in Indian Express I pointed out that a New York Times report shortly before the 1991 General Elections and Rajiv Gandhi's assassination said that Rajiv Gandhi told the foreign media in New Delhi that the Indian armed forces had "gone berserk in Kashmir. Human rights have been violated in Kashmir", that this comment of his was directed at U.S. lawmakers who control the CIA money which elects and keeps India's prime ministers in office and that the Indian press had failed to report this comment, controlled as it is by the CIA. His assassination followed within days of the publication of this letter of mine." The entire so-called freedom struggle under M. K. Gandhi consisted of such fake struggle with the government managed by the Intelligence Bureau after the British set up the Indian National Congress through the Britisher A. O. Hume after they had killed over ten million Indians in just the ten years after 1857, depopulating entire regions so there were not enough men left to till the land: The Guardian (August 24, 2007, Internet, report by Randeep Ramesh): "India's secret history: 'A holocaust, one where millions disappeared...': Author says British reprisals involved the killing of 10 m, spread over 10 years:..."; see my blog below. Now for India's real war of Independence. India has said that its nuclear warheads have been emplaced in various cities/countries such as New Delhi, Washington and New York. The nuclear destruction of these three cities, with a warning that additional U.S. cities will be destroyed if there is any retaliation, is the first step in the implementation of India's National Security Doctrine. The only way the United States will be able to keep two to three additional cities from being destroyed is by doing nothing in return. Five years later India can finish the job with its coast-to-coast destruction. With the impending nuclear destruction of New Delhi, Washington and New York, nothing else matters. I am India's expert in strategic defence, the father of India's strategic program including the Integrated Guided Missile Development Program, the world's greatest scientist (my biography is in Marquis' Who's Who in the World, 2011 and earlier editions) and India's legitimate ruler and my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U. S.', which can be found by a Yahoo search with the title, answers all questions.
--------END QUOTE----------
In the above blog I have described the continued control of Indian intelligence agencies by British and later American intelligence agencies after 1947. India’s Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) was split off from the Intelligence Bureau which had continued after 1947 to be loyal to the British. Later the Americans supplanted the British and RAW functions as a branch of the CIA against India. As part of this relationship, CIA-RAW exercises extensive control over the Indian media and, among its various activities, engages in sabotage of indigenous research and development to keep India dependent on other countries for defence and other equipment (the nuclear deal is just another CIA-RAW operation of that kind, though of a scope and with consequences far graver than any such operation till now).
An example of this is a Bharat-Rakshak discussion thread about a black box installed by the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) in the indigenously developed Arjun tank that documented the sabotage of its engines during trials by the Army; such sabotage has been the basis of the Army's rejection, on RAW's prompting, of the Arjun tank in favour of imports (as I said in the above article, India‘s Army is the collaborator Army that helped the British rule India and, even after Independence, all its regiments and units have retained their former identities and regularly celebrate the anniversaries of their founding by the British). A CIA-RAW operative, who served as a moderator on Bharat-Rakshak and controlled the forum, locked away this discussion thread so that numerous posts that had appeared documenting the sabotage of the Arjun tank were covered up. The major metropolitan newspapers, on most of which CIA-RAW exercises extensive control, have made no mention of the black box -- which was like the flight data recorder in aircraft -- installed by DRDO in Arjun tanks and the shocking findings about the sabotage even though a report on this was provided to them by the Indo Asian News Service (IANS).
There is across the board sabotage by various means by CIA-RAW to keep India down technologically, economically and militarily. RAW's grip over India is comparable to the old KGB's grip over the Soviet Union, with the difference that whereas the KGB worked for the good of the Soviet Union, except toward the end, RAW has always worked for its imperialist paymasters. The role of politicians in governing India is insignificant compared to that of CIA-RAW but RAW has no place in the public's consciousness or in discussions of public affairs in India.
An important point about the sabotage of Arjun is that people on the Arjun discussion thread on Bharat-Rakshak were aghast at the Army's behavior and calling for Army brass being tried for treason, etc. but it will be a mistake to stop with the Army; it is RAW which is behind such sabotage not just of Arjun but of India's interests, technological, economic and other, in a lot of areas. RAW has operatives in the Army at various levels but it is necessary to go to the root of the problem. RAW has to be destroyed and I have suggested that a brand new external intelligence agency be formed with the help of military intelligence (RAW is supposed to be India's external intelligence agency but at least 90% of its activities are within India, against India).
The destruction of RAW does not mean simply disbanding the agency and letting its employees continue their service to the CIA through other organisations, old or new, or in other roles. It is a mammoth agency with just the number of joint secretaries in the hundreds. It is India’s real ‘government’ and the politicians and civil servants largely obey its dictates. It puts the words in the mouths of cabinet ministers, etc., and determines most policies that are, erroneously, attributed to them. Any one, even a prime minister, whom CIA-RAW considers inconvenient is eliminated, if necessary by death, as I have said regarding the deaths of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and, later, Rajiv Gandhi in my article titled ‘How India‘s economy can grow 30% per year‘ in my blog. Over the past many years, I have shown how almost all terrorist incidents in India since 1983 have been carried out by outfits controlled by the CIA either directly or through intelligence agencies in the region, including India’s RAW. The Jain Commision of Inquiry, which went into Rajiv Gandhi’s death, acknowledged that the LTTE, which carried out his assassination, was created and controlled by RAW. It was an open secret that MQM, in Pakistan’s Sindh province, when it was known as a terrorist organization, was a creation of RAW. But the same is true of many terrorist outfits that operate in India.
Another example of RAW’s multifarious activities, that I have described in press releases, articles and letters to the press since 1987, is its spreading heroin addiction and AIDS first in India’s Northeast then elsewhere to provide the United States with a population to use as guinea pigs for AIDS vaccine development, after the CIA was assigned the task of roping in a population for this purpose. I have described how Both Rajiv Gandhi (after being threatened with exposure of the Bofors and HDW kickbacks by Swedish and German media at the CIA‘s instigation) and Vajpayee cooperated in this. But terrorism, etc., are the least of its activities; I mentioned those only because the existence of terrorism is publicly known. Its sabotage of India’s research and development activities, of which the sabotage of the Arjun tank is just one example, is among the deadliest of its activities.
The nuclear deal and its various aspects -- replacing indigenous production of uranium and reactors with imports, the capping, rollback and elimination of India’s nuclear weapons program, media control and buying up politicians, scientists, etc. for this purpose -- is just the largest and deadliest of such activities, leaving out the 24-hour satellite surveillance and all the crimes, at the cost of hundreds of millions of dollars per year for the past 36 years, against India’s greatest scientist, described in my article titled ‘How India‘s economy can grow 30% per year‘ in my blog. The point is that all the tens of thousands of RAW employees are guilty of the gravest treason and deserve the death penalty. So do all those -- politicians, civil servants and others -- who are willing collaborators of CIA-RAW.
--------END POST--------
---------START POST--------
At no point were there more than about 80,000 British in India, women and children included; these handful of people from half way around the world ruled India for centuries. This should tell you something about Indians. In both World War I and World War II millions of Indians fought for the British and tens of thousands gave their lives fighting for the British and not a single one of them fought the British on behalf of India; this should tell you something about Indians.
----------END POST----------
---------START POST---------
I have said: "Indians as a rule are ... unfit to talk about strategic matters, especially if it involves the White Master in any way, which it always does. That is why in his 'Mein Kampf' Adolf Hitler said "As for India, I would rather see India under the British than under any one else". It is not just that a handful of the British from half way around the world ruled India for centuries; a lot of other people from various countries did that for a thousand years before that. A modern day Babar will start each day by killing a million Indians before breakfast every morning, though some think three million will be better (this number can be herded into fairly small extermination circles and then a neutron bomb exploded over them). I am an Indian, but as far above the other Indians as they may be above cockroaches."
On August 8, 2009 I wrote: "Indians are a dead, inert mass, ready to be made into atmospheric carbon dioxide. The sooner this is done, the better for all concerned. The world has the resources to do this without waiting. The temporary increase in atmospheric pollution this will cause is far outweighed by the short and long term benefits to mankind, not just of the level of pollution in the external environment but, much more importantly, of the pollution of the internal environment -- the gene pool. If there is life in Indians, it is the life characteristic of a malignant virus that needs to be destroyed as soon as possible. The heat and radiation therapy of a few hundred neutron bombs over a few hundred extermination circles will cure mankind of this affliction. Let us get on with it!"
On June 15, 2010 I wrote: "The life of a nation includes and can be defined by the life of a leader whose psyche and genes they come to share. By cutting off the life of the Indian who is the life and light of India from the Indian people, putting in place long time agents of British intelligence and the C.I.A. such as the Nehru family and Vajpayee instead, C.I.A.-RAW have ensured the decay and death of the Indian nation. The nuclear destruction of New Delhi [see my blog 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.'] can change this situation and bring India back to life."
----------END POST---------
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-------Start of quote from American Pakistani---------
I can't beleive you have just compared a third world country(no offense) to US, China and Russia. india is just like Bangladesh, Vietnam, Nigeria etc. I don't think it should be compare to mighty US, China or Russia.
----------End of quote from American Pakistani---------
The comparison with Vietnam is unfair to Vietnam. The Vietnamese fought to expel the Americans from their country. Indians never fought to expel the British after 1857 and now are so thoroughly accustomed to being ruled by white countries that they will continue as the white man's slaves forever unless something drastic is done -- like the simultaneous nuclear destruction of New Delhi, Washington and New York I have referred to above.
--------END POST---------
--------START POST--------
Nor can Indians be fairly compared to Pakistanis; innumerable Pakistanis are willing to fight white Americans, even if these Pakistanis are from the private sector rather than from the official Pakistani army which, like the Indian army, is a continuation of the British Indian army. Indians are willing to fight FOR the white man but will never fight the white man on behalf of their own country.
--------END POST--------
Satish Chandra
March 3, 2012: The United States admiral when disclosing that U.S. special forces teams are stationed in India said they are 'not necessarily DOD [Department of Defense]' but other agencies. These are CIA teams -- whose presence India's ministries of defence and external affairs spokespersons would not know about and hence are denying -- with the mission of snatching or neutralizing India's nuclear warheads, as similar CIA teams successfully did in Pakistan. Unless India's nuclear forces trigger India's nuclear warheads emplaced in New Delhi, Washington and New York without further delay, the result will be worse than in Pakistan because India's RAW and other forces work for the CIA.
As I have said before, Bikram Singh, who has been designated today as the Army chief beginning May 31 '12, is a CIA-RAW man and that must not be allowed. India's CIA-RAW government has been in a hurry to bring him in as Army chief to try and take India's nuclear warheads away from patriotic hands and in the hands of traitors.
February 29, 2012: "[Agenzia Giornalistica Italia, AGI.it, February 28, 2012:] Rome - President Napolitano "salutes and gives his full support to the two Italian Navy soldiers" detained in Kochi, India. That's what Italian Foreign Affairs minister Giulio Terzi di Sant'Agata told the two Italian soldiers, Massimiliano Latorre and Salvatore Girone as he met them in Kochi, a statement published on the website of the Italian presidency reads, adding that the FM also expressed the Head of State's wish, on behalf of the entire country, for a quick and adequate solution, compliantly with the jurisdiction regulating these events in international waters. President Napolitano, the statement reads, also expressed, in a letter, his close support to the relatives of the two Navy soldiers."
February 28, 2012: "[Agenzia Giornalistica Italia, AGI.it, February 28, 2012:] India: Terzi expresses italy's solidarity with its sailors: During his official visit to India, Italy's Foreign minister, Giulio Terzi, will go to Kochi. There he will meet the two Italian Mariners detained for the killing of two fishermen. Terzi stated "My intention is to see our two valiant mariners. I will extend the regards of the president of the republic, the premier and all of the government colleagues, in order to express the concern of the Italian people toward them". So Italy's Foreign Minister is expressing solidarity with these killers of Indians and extending to him the regards of the president of the republic, the premier and all of the government colleagues and of the Italian people. He stated this intention before he came. Why is this minister of an enemy country being received in India? Why did Indian minister Anand Sharma meet with him and talk business with him? Why did India's foreign minister meet with him and pose for a photograph smiling with this enemy of India? Because Indian government ministers are themselves servants of India's enemies and keeping the killers in V.I.P. lodgings. The light machine guns that were used in the killings had binocular sights and the killers killed them with head-shots from a distance of 100 meters. It would have been clear to them that they were not armed. The killers' entire government and people applaud the killers and so does the Indian government along with the media which call the killings a "row", not murders, trivializing the killings and referring to "hapless fishermen" and "poor fishermen" -- though it was Italy as a whole shooting India as a whole and a "row" can only be between equals, not between Italian masters and their Indian servants -- and putting the killers at the same level as the victims -- in fact, higher, much higher than the victims, with all the V.I.P. treatment being given to them -- and report a carnival-like atmosphere with sight-seers thronging the killer ship. As I have said, if there is life in Indians, it is the life characteristic of a malignant virus that needs to be destroyed as soon as possible. This can change only with the nuclear destruction of New Delhi.
"[Times of India, February 28, 2012] Italy assures easing of business visa to Indians: India and Italy on Tuesday discussed easing of the business visa regime, with Rome stating it has already started working towards streamlining the process. //The issue of putting in place an effective visa regime for businessmen and professionals was raised during a meeting between commerce and industry minister Anand Sharma and Italian foreign minister Giulio Terzi here." But neither Indian businessmen nor professionals should be allowed to travel to an enemy country. Nor should the Italian minister be allowed to meet the murderers to express solidarity with them in their crime.
February 25, 2012: "Chief Minister Oommen Chandy said the government would make all efforts to ensure that families of the two Indian fishermen get the maximum compensation." So they are going to let the Italians go with a monetary compensation to the fishermen's families; they are not going to try them for murder. This is what they have meant by an "amicable settlement" all along. They showed their hand as soon as I 'gave up' on Indians with my paragraph from August 8, 2009 below.
On June 15, 2010 I wrote: "The life of a nation includes and can be defined by the life of a leader whose psyche and genes they come to share. By cutting off the life of the Indian who is the life and light of India from the Indian people, putting in place long time agents of British intelligence and the C.I.A. such as the Nehru family and Vajpayee instead, C.I.A.-RAW have ensured the decay and death of the Indian nation. The nuclear destruction of New Delhi [see my blog 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.'] can change this situation and bring India back to life."
February 24, 2012: After a meeting with Indian officials in New Delhi today, the visiting Italian minister said "We hope the incident is behind us". Now it is for the people of Kerala and the rest of India to do justice by doing what I have said below they must do to get justice. They must attack the luxury guest house where the murderers are and immediately kill them. In the Grover murder case in which the victim was cut up into over 300 pieces and eaten, I said "The cover up of the crimes in the case and the light sentences and VIP treatment given to the perpetrators are due to India's Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) through which Israel has established profound control over the Indian government described in my blog". RAW is also responsible for the cover up in this case of the Italian ship which was trafficking Indian children to Israel to be used as food, with their skins used to make shoes and handbags ( http://rawstraffickingofindianchildren.blogspot.com/ ).
I have said: "Indians as a rule are inferior Indian niggers unfit to talk about strategic matters, especially if it involves the White Master in any way, which it always does. That is why in his 'Mein Kampf' Adolf Hitler said "As for India, I would rather see India under the British than under any one else". It is not just that a handful of the British from half way around the world ruled India for centuries; a lot of other people from various countries did that for a thousand years before that. A modern day Babar will start each day by killing a million Indians before breakfast every morning, though some think three million will be better (this number can be herded into fairly small extermination circles and then a neutron bomb exploded over them). I am an Indian, but as far above the other Indians as they may be above cockroaches." On August 8, 2009 I wrote: "Indians are a dead, inert mass, ready to be made into atmospheric carbon dioxide. The sooner this is done, the better for all concerned. The world has the resources to do this without waiting. The temporary increase in atmospheric pollution this will cause is far outweighed by the short and long term benefits to mankind, not just of the level of pollution in the external environment but, much more importantly, of the pollution of the internal environment -- the gene pool. If there is life in Indians, it is the life characteristic of a malignant virus that needs to be destroyed as soon as possible. The heat and radiation therapy of a few hundred neutron bombs over a few hundred extermination circles will cure mankind of this affliction. Let us get on with it!"
February 23, 2012: It is clear that Indian officials have no intention of bringing the Italian murderers to justice or destroying the dominance over India of Italy and other white countries. These are military men who committed an act of war against India and in war enemies are killed without a trial. Indians must kill as many Italians and other white people in India as they can find, wherever they find them. They must attack the luxury guest house where they have kept the murderers and immediately kill the murderers. Burn the guest house down, if necessary.
I wrote on February 21 '12: "The Additional Director General of Police who does not want "the killing of two innocent fishermen to affect our diplomatic ties with Italy" and so lodged the killers in a "three-star hospitality facility" and did not trouble the killers with any but the most perfunctory questioning -- or not even that -- was just being honest. This is what the Indian government's relationship to white countries is like. If they will not insult a white murderer in police custody for questioning with anything less than V.I.P. lodgings or with any questioning, will they insult him with a hanging or even a life sentence or a sentence of any length or any punishment at all? Since this man is representative of government officials in general, where will you find the investigators for this case or prosecutors and judges to try the accused? Is it not a certainty, then, that the accused will be let go regardless of their crime? I could try them, be both prosecutor and judge and will summarily sentence them to death. Rather than stage a charade of a trial, like the charade of questioning and investigation now, is it not better to summarily execute them? These are military men who committed an act of war against India and in war enemies are killed without a trial." A government is supposed to protect its citizens and since India's government does not protect them from whites, they must protect themselves.
"The high court asked assistant solicitor-general P. Parameshwaran Nair to advise the Centre to work with the Italian authorities to resolve the matter" (Asian Age, February 24, 2012). Resolve a case of murder, which should lead to death sentences for the accused, by 'working with' the Italian authorities? Will the Italians agree to a death sentence for the accused? Is that how murder cases are resolved in India? This nigger blackie slave of a judge was saying a white foreigner cannot be tried as a murder accused in India and shutting out any possibility of justice in the case by foreclosing any possibility of a death sentence. He was also committing the gravest kind of obstruction of justice by asking the assistant solicitor-general to advise the Centre as above and the crime of trashing India's sovereignty in the process which he is required to uphold.
Satish Chandra
February 22, 2012: According to a report (Deccan Chronicle, February 22, 2012) "According to sources, the two Italian Navy men, Latorre Massimiliano and Salvatore Girone, were not interrogated by the police. They were being kept under the police custody at the guest house of the Central Industries Security Force." This confirms what I said below, that bringing the murder accused ashore allegedly for questioning was a fraud played on the Indian public. That they will not be questioned was known to the Italians' lawyer in advance; that is why he said “The marine men are inflexible and tough, and hardly open their mouths. The police may find it very difficult to get answers from them”. So this fraud is being played by Indian officials jointly with the Italians who have been assured that the Indian officials will go through a fraudulent display of questioning, investigation, etc. to fool the Indian public and then let the Italians go. This is treason of the highest order and all Indian officials, at the central as well as state level, have to be punished and the punishment for such treason can only be death. A photograph of the accused standing outside the guest house with an Indian police officer looking on shows one of the accused apparently dialing a cell phone in his hand. Are murder accused in police custody for questioning allowed to possess or use cell phones?
An Op-Ed article -- prompted by what I have said below about the dominance established by the Italians through the killings being left intact by Indians -- in today's New York Times titled "Peaceful Protest Can Free Palestine" has the following blurb: "Palestinians who seek an independent state and an end to the Israeli occupation should avoid violence and embrace peaceful resistance"; the Jews, through an unsuspecting Palestinian who authored the article, are prescribing for the Palestinians the fake 'Independence' obtained for India by the homosexual M. K. Gandhi -- a lifelong British agent -- who reveled in his "slavery with a vengeance" to the white man (see http://rawstraffickingofindianchildren.blogspot.com/ ).
To repeat what I said about dominance below:- "Wanton killings like this are a display of dominance. Forcibly arresting unwilling criminals and bringing them to a lock up is establishing counter-dominance, just as whipping criminals is an exercise in dominance. By foregoing such establishment of dominance over the criminals and leaving it to the white master to bring the criminals to them, Kerala police are leaving the Italians' dominance over Indians established through the killings intact, letting the Italians keep the reward, the 'kick', they got out of the crime. This is the very opposite of justice. Any talks, negotiations, discussions with Italian officials is aiding and abetting this crime against India." In establishing their dominance, the British killed over ten million Indians in just the ten years after 1857 and the killings continued right up to the so-called 'Independence' exemplified by the Sikh soldier riding in a jeep with the British viceroy cutting down with his submachine gun any Indian, man, woman or child who came in view on either side of the road (see my blog 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.' which can be found by a Yahoo/Google search with the title). This dominance of the white man was left intact by the so-called 'Independence' obtained in a 'freedom struggle' -- managed by the Intelligence Bureau -- by "peaceful resistance". This wanton killing by the Italians was just a manifestation of this dominance as is the Indians' servile behavior toward the Italians. Like the fake 'freedom struggle', this fake conflict with Italy is being managed by RAW which was split off from the Intelligence Bureau and is dedicated to maintaining and enhancing white countries' dominance over India. India will not be Independent until it establishes counter-dominance over white countries, particularly the most powerful white country, the United States. This requires killing hundreds of millions of the enemy and totally devastating their country (see my blog 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.').
The killings by the Italian marines were like the killings by the Sikh soldier riding in the jeep with the British viceroy cutting down with his submachine gun any Indian man, woman or child who came in view on either side of the road. There are Indian government ministers like Kapil Sibal who sit at CIA-supplied terminals -- which he has been doing for years in committing various crimes against India; see my blog -- managing this case for RAW. Sibal is one who should be arrested and charged with obstruction of justice and treason. Bringing the Italian murderers to justice is a part of India's war of Independence (see http://joinindiawarofindependence.blogspot.com/ ). Italy's dominance over India is also exercised through its troops, as a member of NATO, occupying Afghanistan, a part of traditional India. The traitors and collaborators of the Indian government who are secretly colluding with the Italians to let the murderers go free also urge the American and NATO invaders to continue their occupation of Afghanistan. Punishing the Italian murderers of the Kerala fishermen will be a start, but the murderers -- which include Italians -- of hundreds of thousands of Afghans also have to be punished. February 21, 2012: The Italian murderers are lodged in an air-conditioned guest house along with an Italian consulate official in the room next to theirs with whom they are seen freely chatting on the lawns outside the guest house in a news photo and all of them get food of their choice from the top hotel in the city. When 'interrogated' on the ship, for each question they asked an Italian consulate official whether they should answer it and answered only if he said yes. In the guest house, “The marine men are inflexible and tough, and hardly open their mouths. The police may find it very difficult to get answers from them,” said V.J. Mathew, the advocate for the owners of the Italian ship" (Deccan Chronicle, February 21, 2012). This is neither police custody nor judicial custody and a flagrant violation of the court order sending them to police custody/judicial custody and a case of the flagrant collaboration in the crime by police who are yet to recover the murder weapons from the ship or search it for evidence of child trafficking (see below), who should have taken custody of all weapons, all crew and a lot, lot more a long time ago and who have been dawdling on the pretext of getting a warrant to search the ship for the weapons when no warrant was needed and, in any case, the entire ship has been in their custody. Does anyone expect them to bring the murderers to justice? It is not just the Kerala police; the entire State government and Central government are flagrantly collaborating in this crime. And so is the judiciary; did the magistrate not know what kind of "police custody" the murder accused were in and how they were being 'questioned'? Is that how murder accused are lodged and is that how they are questioned? A report in The Hindu -- likely placed by RAW to mislead the public -- said the magistrate ordered them to be taken to Cochin central jail. Then why were they not taken there? Whether in police custody or judicial custody, the accused are kept in a police lock up or a jail and questioned there, taken out only for specific purposes such as to show where a body was buried. Is that what they are doing in the air-conditioned guest house? After I sent the above paragraph, an AFP report was placed on NDTV saying "The Foreign Ministry also said that Indian police had taken "coercive" and "unilateral" action when it escorted the two soldiers off the oil tanker where they were deployed as security guards and arrested them on Sunday". But as I have shown below "the advocate for the shipping company, V. J. Mathew, said in advance of their coming ashore (Express News Service report on ibnlive.in.com), "It has been agreed by the police and the owners of the vessel that the crew could [note the word "could", which meant the interrogation would be by permission of the Italians at a location they agree to] be interrogated at the guest house of the Cochin Port Trust. Taking action against the Naval personnel is something that has to be decided at the diplomatic level"." The Indian police's behavior in the lodging and questioning of the two is neither "coercive" nor "unilateral". The Italian government and Indian government are collaborating in throwing dust in the eyes of the Indian public to hide the fact that the Indian government works for the white countries against its own countrymen and is doing all it can to subvert this case and let the Italian murderers go free. Is this not how the Indian government behaved in the Quattrocci case, flagrantly subverting its own case against him? Shouldn't the Italian woman be jailed for obstruction of justice, among other crimes?
Today the BJP's Arun Jaitley said that the Indian government has "forgotten" "statecraft", meaning it is not subverting this case of the fishermen's killing as skillfully as it ought to. Note that the BJP government also participated in the subversion of the case against Quattrocci. The political parties also work for the white countries and engage in fake quarrels with one another to fool the public like the fake quarrel between the Indian and Italian governments about the fishermen's murder case which also contains within it the case of the trafficking of Indian children to Israel to be used as food, with their skins used for making shoes and handbags, described below.
The Italian government says the Indian government is "pandering to emotions" in this case. Its saying this is understandable because the Jews who butcher India's trafficked children cheer as a living child's flesh is taken off layer by layer and eaten (see the report from Daily Bhaskar below and attached to this E-Mail). And those Italians who wear the shoes and handbags made from the children's skins find it highly pleasurable. And what is a couple of fishermen's murder? But it is the master-slave relationship between India and white countries which underlies these which is of concern. Not to the Indian government but to me. And the Indian government is not "pandering to emotions" but trying to avoid its total destruction. See http://thisiswhatthejewshavebeendoing.blogspot.com/ .
It seems the murderers are not only in an air-conditioned guest house but also have servants and maids and people to wait on them. “They are in the CISF guest house which has three-star hospitality facility. We don’t want the investigation over the killing of two innocent fishermen to affect our diplomatic ties with Italy,” said [P] Chandrashekharan who is "Additional Director General of Police, Southern Range, Thiruvananthapuram" ( tehelkaDOTcom, February 21, 2012, URL: http://www.tehelka.com/story_main51.asp?filename=Ws210212Fishermen.asp ). So if someone from a white country commits murder, he will not be properly questioned, so there will be no proper investigation, so no proper prosecution or conviction. Instead he will be treated as a V.I.P. guest. This is not just obstruction of justice but a whole lot of other crimes. This man and everyone else -- in Kerala police, in the Kerala government or Central government -- responsible for this criminal act of lodging the murder accused who are in police custody for questioning in a "three-star hospitality facility" must be arrested and criminally charged. This man seems to be involved with the investigation from now on because he is quoted as saying “We will direct the captain to surrender the weapon before the investigation officer. If he refuses, we will conduct search operations and take custody of the weapon. It’s a legal formality against which Italy has no immunity". Clearly, he is unfit to have any role in the investigation. The Special Investigation Team (SIT) that has just been formed "will be headed by Sam Christy Daniel and Kochi City Commissioner MR Ajithkumar will also be a member", but both of these have participated in this V.I.P. treatment of the murder accused; even if they were acting under orders, they should not have any leadership role in the investigation. This SIT is no good; an entirely different team is needed. The Additional Director General of Police above who does not want "the killing of two innocent fishermen to affect our diplomatic ties with Italy" and so lodged the killers in a "three-star hospitality facility" and did not trouble the killers with any but the most perfunctory questioning -- or not even that -- was just being honest. This is what the Indian government's relationship to white countries is like. If they will not insult a white murderer in police custody for questioning with anything less than V.I.P. lodgings or with any questioning, will they insult him with a hanging or even a life sentence or a sentence of any length or any punishment at all? Since this man is representative of government officials in general, where will you find the investigators for this case or prosecutors and judges to try the accused? Is it not a certainty, then, that the accused will be let go regardless of their crime? I could try them, be both prosecutor and judge and will summarily sentence them to death. Rather than stage a charade of a trial, like the charade of questioning and investigation now, is it not better to summarily execute them? These are military men who committed an act of war against India and in war enemies are killed without a trial.
February 19, 2012: Indian officials failed to enforce Indian law on the Italian killers of two Indian fishermen who insisted they will not answer questions or cooperate until they meet with Italian government officials. Their refusal to answer questions or cooperate was all the more reason to arrest them. The ship's crew gave their statements and a couple of them came ashore only when the Italian consul general from Mumbai and the Italian defence attache, who went to the ship, told them to. Indian officials did not arrest them for five whole days but kept begging their Italian masters to tell them to cooperate. Even now they are not arrested but, as the advocate for the shipping company, V. J. Mathew, said in advance of their coming ashore (Express News Service report on ibnlive.in.com), "It has been agreed by the police and the owners of the vessel that the crew could [note the word "could", which meant the interrogation would be by permission of the Italians at a location they agree to] be interrogated at the guest house of the Cochin Port Trust. Taking action against the Naval personnel is something that has to be decided at the diplomatic level". Later reports said they were taken to the CISF guest house. Whatever future proceedings may occur will be thanks to the mercies of the Italian officials; Indian officials have demonstrated their slavery to the white master and refusal to enforce Indian law on white killers of Indians. Indian officials were applying to the Italian officials to let them question the ship's crew, take them ashore, etc. and this satisfied the requirements of the master-slave relationship between India and white countries and the Italians let them proceed. Still later reports have said that the two Italians from the ship were taken to an "undisclosed location", to hide the fact that they were taken to the Cochin Port Trust guest house, with all that this implies. The reference to the CISF (Central Industrial Security Force) guest house was cooked up to create the impression that they are in some kind of arrest, to fool India's public when these murderers of Indians are being treated as V.I.P. guests, much less arrested and jailed. A video showed foreign minister S. M. Krishna referring to this 'law taking its own course' so "an amicable settlement can be arrived at between the two countries". An "amicable settlement" of a case of the wanton murder of two Indians which should lead to the hangings of the murderers? He considers hangings to be "amicable"? Then what did he mean? And why the lying to the Indian public as to where the murderers have been lodged? Effective interrogation requires that the suspects be in a police lock up, not a V.I.P. guest house. Reports also said the interrogation will be done in the presence of Italian officials. Certainly the Italian officials were present when the crew were interrogated on board the ship. This subverted the justice process. Most likely they are present during their sham interrogation in the V.I.P. guest house. Later, sham court appearances may follow. In innumerable ways, Indian officials are showing they are agents of white countries against their own countrymen, lying and throwing dust in the Indian public's eyes to appear otherwise.
Krishna's reference to "an amicable settlement" means that any court proceedings will be sham proceedings and the Indian government officials have already made "an amicable settlement" of the case with their Italian buddies and masters. The wanton murders of two Indians will not stand in the way of their most cordial relations with Italy for whose foreign minister arriving in a few days Krishna is rolling out the red carpet, with a lot of wining and dining, with the finest Italian, or maybe Indian, wines -- which stand for the blood of the fishermen and other Indians -- with Italian, or maybe Indian, bread -- which stands for the flesh of the fishermen and other Indians -- toasting and hand-shaking and music and a lot, lot more, both over and under the table. They are toasting the Italians for the killings and want a lot, lot more.
Up to February 18, 2012: The Indian nigger-slaves of the white man are yet to arrest the crew -- yes, the ENTIRE crew should be arrested -- of the Italian ship which killed two Indian fishermen. The criminal traitors of the Indian government work for the white man and this is another illustration of that. The failure of Kerala's police officials to arrest the crew is due to the Italian woman who is a participant in this crime. It is the responsibility of the Coast Guard and the Indian Navy to defend Indian citizens and the Navy must immediately arrest the entire crew of the Italian ship using whatever force is required, even if the entire crew has to be killed and the Italian ship has to be destroyed. I have said that India's nuclear forces obey Satish Chandra and he does not need India's conventional forces or the rest of the government and citizenry to defend India. In the modern world nuclear weapons are the only weapons that matter and so I am the commander-in-chief of the Indian armed forces, not the stinking cunt who infests the viceregal palace.
I have said that the criminal-traitor who is the army chief who visited the British army brigade that is due to be deployed to Afghanistan should be bayoneted to death but will die in the nuclear destruction of New Delhi as will the current air force chief who literally sits at CIA-supplied terminals to bring down Indian air force aircraft with microwave signals from U.S. satellites as I have described in http://indianairforcepilotsmurder.blogspot.com/ .
This is an order to the Navy chief to carry out the above arrests without delay; he can ignore this order if he would like to join the army and air force chiefs in their fate.
The Ministry of External Affairs should have no role except in any Italian request for consular access to the crew in jail. For the police officials to wait for orders from New Delhi before arresting the murderers is criminal dereliction of duty.
The Coast Guard has said the shooting occurred in Indian waters and the Ministry of Home Affairs has said India has jurisdiction because the fishermen were in an Indian boat and any pleas contesting either of these should be made by the accused to Indian courts; for the police to fail to arrest and jail the crew pending diplomatic discussions or whatever is criminal dereliction of duty and an abetment of the crime. The Ministry of Home Affairs enforces laws, arrests murderers, etc., not the Ministry of External Affairs. If the Ministry of Home Affairs has ordered arrest of the crew, as press reports say and officials in Kerala have disobeyed the order, Central forces should be sent to arrest the crew and the officials in Kerala who have disobeyed the order. The Ministry of External Affairs has committed obstruction of justice in this case by asking police in Kerala to desist from arresting the murderers or to withhold their arrests pending diplomatic discussions or whatever and the Minister for External Affairs and other officials in the ministry should be charged with these criminal offences.
The Italian woman's role in this obstruction of justice is evident to everyone in India. She should be arrested and charged with obstruction of justice.
As I have described in http://whatyoushouldknowaboutraw.blogspot.com/ , RAW is a branch of the CIA against India; in this case RAW, through its mouthpiece Times of India (see below) and in other ways such as by instructing officials in the Ministry of External Affairs to behave in certain ways, has undermined India's sovereignty and committed obstruction of justice and, to begin with, RAW director and the Cabinet Secretary to whom he reports should be arrested.
Officials in the Ministry of Home Affairs, such as the Home Minister P. Chidambaram, have known, through my writings such as http://whatyoushouldknowaboutraw.blogspot.com/, that RAW is a branch of the CIA against India but have let it continue to operate in India and aided and abetted its operations and the Home Minister should be arrested and charged with high treason.
I hereby order the Navy chief to arrest the top one thousand or so officers of RAW -- including anyone with the rank of undersecretary and above; just the number of joint secretaries in RAW is in the hundreds -- and report to me.
[Report in Indian Express] "Kerala police on Saturday night got an assurance from the ship and the Italian Consulate that two Italian navy marines, suspected to be involved in the firing, would be produced before the police on Sunday morning. Kochi city Police Commissioner M R Ajithkumar said the Italian authorities have agreed to hand over the two suspects to the police for interrogation." The suspects are not in Italy but in Indian waters under control of Indian authorities. "Italian authorities" should have no role in "producing" them before Indian authorities. It is for the Indian police to go to the ship, put handcuffs on them and bring them to the police station and lock up. Italian "authorities" are not authorities in India but consular officials and they should not even have access to the murderers until consular access is granted at some later date.
The Indian nigger-shits are showing their unwillingness to treat the murderers as murder suspects ought to be treated and giving them all kinds of opportunities to destroy evidence, make up stories, etc.
Bringing criminals to a lock up against their will -- as the criminals in this case have been unwilling to come -- is a crucial part of the justice process; by unnecessarily asking Italian officials to bring them to the police station, the Indian nigger-shits are abdicating their police function, in effect saying that as blackie nigger-slaves they cannot arrest white murder suspects and only the white master can bring the suspects to them and thus are vitiating the entire justice process, in effect giving the Italians jurisdiction over the case in which they will do what the Italian diplomats allow them to do. "This came hours after External Affairs Minister S M Krishna called up his Italian counterpart Giulio Terzi di Sant’Agata in connection with the killing. With the ship captain refusing to hand over the suspects, Krishna conveyed that the ship crew “should fully cooperate” with the Indian investigating authorities." The ship is in Indian waters under Indian control; Krishna was simply continuing the treasonous behavior of the Ministry of External Affairs but for the police in Kerala to fail to do their duty -- of boarding the ship, arresting the suspects and bringing them to the police station and, instead, leaving it to Italian officials to do that is criminal abdication of their duty and a demonstration of their unwillingness to bring the murderers to justice.
The captain is also responsible for the murders and the rest of the crew are crucial witnesses who should all be in lock up.
Wanton killings like this are a display of dominance. Forcibly arresting unwilling criminals and bringing them to a lock up is establishing counter-dominance, just as whipping criminals is an exercise in dominance. By foregoing such establishment of dominance over the criminals and leaving it to the white master to bring the criminals to them, Kerala police are leaving the Italians' dominance over Indians established through the killings intact, letting the Italians keep the reward, the 'kick', they got out of the crime. This is the very opposite of justice. Any talks, negotiations, discussions with Italian officials is aiding and abetting this crime against India.
After the bombing of the Israeli car in New Delhi this week, India's foreign minister called his Israeli counter part and promised "full cooperation", so the Israelis were to be the investigators and India will be in a supporting role in investigating an incident that occurred in India. After the 26/11 Mumbai attacks, U. S. officials claimed "jurisdiction" and the FBI director repeated his claim of "jurisdiction" after I wrote that the U.S. officials, who came without invitation and claimed they were U.S. government officials and did not need papers to come, must be arrested and treated as invaders (see my blog 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.' which can be found by a Yahoo/Google search with the title) and Indian officials submitted to the American claim. Instead of immediately arresting all crew members of this Italian ship which shot and killed two Indians, putting them in jail and treating them like any accused of murder, India lodges a "protest" with the Italian embassy, asks the Italian embassy to take charge of the probe and make the crew cooperate, as the crew were not cooperating and tells the Coast Guard to call it an "error of judgment" -- like any murder is an error of judgment -- and a report in RAW-mouthpiece Times of India said the incident occurred in international waters (though it occurred in Indian waters, as the Coast Guard has said) and India does not have "jurisdiction" to try the murderers which will have to be done by Italy. So white countries have jurisdiction even if 26/11 occurred on Indian soil and India has no jurisdiction if its citizens are murdered in "international waters".
This Italian ship, which came dangerously close to the shore "with some ulterior motive" ( http://www.moneylife.in/article/killing-of-indian-seafarers-in-cold-blood-off-keralamdashthe-case-of-the-st-anthony-and-enrica-lexie/23712.html ; this author refers to the "criminal attitude and approach taken by the various authorities in India in this matter") was taking part in the trafficking of Indian children. The number of Indian children being trafficked to Israel, brutally tortured, killed and consumed as food every year far exceeds the number of deaths in Syria's civil unrest but there is no international outcry about it.
RAW had proposed a processing facility to prepare and ship the meat of Indians to Israel but it was rejected because Jewish custom requires the victims to be tortured and killed over several hours before they can be eaten.
A by-product of their being killed in Israel rather than India is that their skins are found to be incomparably more valuable than their meat and are used in the manufacture of super-expensive shoes and handbags. Should RAW's trafficking of Indian children to Israel as food and for their skins be a cause for regime change? You bet! This trafficking has the sanction of the Italian woman but is she a member of Indian society? The wealth that Imelda Marcos and her husband in the Philippines amassed was not even peanuts compared to the wealth amassed by the Italian woman just as Imelda Marcos' world famous shoe collection was nothing compared to the Italian woman's fetish for shoes made from the skins of Indian children. The Italian woman gifted some of these shoes made from the skins of Indian children to the French president's wife who is Italian. Also handbags. The United States Secretary of State had requested one such handbag and it was sent to her by special jet which made the trip just for this purpose. Soon it will be a standard gift item to give to people in American and European governments.
The BJP said its ministers in the Karnataka legislature were only "watching" violent porn videos on a smart phone, not "doing" it. Owners of these shoes & handbags -- who report wearing these shoes or carrying the handbag to be an intensely sexual experience -- get videos of the prolonged torture, killing & skinning of the child whose skin was used in their shoes or handbags & can choose the child in advance.
I am India's expert in strategic defence, the father of India's strategic program including the Integrated Guided Missile Development Program and the world's greatest scientist (my biography is in Marquis' Who's Who in the World, 2012 and earlier editions). It will be a fatal mistake to get diverted by the abuse RAW posts to divert people. This is just the tip of the iceberg. RAW is also posting fake comments in my name and removing my posted comments. SAVE THIS ON YOUR COMPUTER & PASS IT ON. See http://rawstraffickingofindianchildren.blogspot.com/ .
February 19, 2012: I have said (above) that this Italian ship was participating in the trafficking of Indian children to Israel to be used as food. A report in daily.bhaskar.com of February 20, 2012 ( http://daily.bhaskar.com/article/UP-another-horror-nithari-like-vampires-exposed-in-meerut-2878885.html?HT4=&msg=476057 ) says:-
----------START QUOTE-----------
"New Delhi/Meerut: Even as the gruesome memories of Nithari killings are yet to fade, a similar hair-raising incident has taken the entire nation by storm. In what would sound like a horrendous nightmare, locals have busted a 150-member gang, which allegedly used to slaugther abducted children, roast their bodies and eat them after failing to strike a handsome deal with child traffickers. ...... During interrogation, the youth, identified as Amarjeet, has disclosed he is a member of a child trafficking gang and is paid Rs 10,000 to kidnap children on board trains in Delhi and Haryana. The police were left aghast when Amarjeet confessed that gang members cut abducted children into pieces, roast their bodies and eat them after failing to strike a handsome deal with child traffickers, IG, Meerut range, Rajiv Krishna said. The accused has also confessed to abducting a large number of children from nearby areas and selling them to child traffickers in Delhi and Haryana, Krishna said. ..........
---------END QUOTE---------
These child traffickers are trafficking the children to Israel to be used as food. Since the children are cut into pieces and eaten as food in Israel (see below and in http://rawstraffickingofindianchildren.blogspot.com/ ), these traffickers, who are Hindus from the heart of India's heartland, have adopted the practice of eating the children they cannot sell at a good price. This would be similar to Indians working in call centers serving Americans adopting, along with American accents, American-like sex and drug practices.
Although the report says the "incident has taken the entire nation by storm", a search of Google News did not turn up the story in any other media organ except Daily Bhaskar. It disappeared from the Home Page of daily.bhaskar.com right after I saved it on my computer but the story is still listed under 'Uttar Pradesh' under 'States' and is accessible via the URL: http://daily.bhaskar.com/article/UP-another-horror-nithari-like-vampires-exposed-in-meerut-2878885.html . Presumably the story is being suppressed by RAW which does the trafficking.
I have had in mind that the story may have been concocted by RAW to 'neutralise' what I have said about the trafficking of Indian children to Israel to be used as food, with their skins used for making shoes and handbags. I have attached the story from daily.bhaskar.com to this E-Mail.
Although Indian officials have deliberately given the crew of the ship ample opportunity to erase evidence of the child trafficking the ship was participating in (see below), the ship must be thoroughly searched for such evidence, even though it will be difficult to find anything that RAW does not want to be found. But it is mandatory that the ENTIRE crew of the ship be arrested and thoroughly questioned, over months if necessary, using all the methods available to Indian police, about the trafficking.
Since RAW can make the police and any other government and non-government agency say and do whatever it wants, finding the interrogators for the job will be difficult but not impossible. DNA evidence of the trafficked children will be particularly valuable and may be the easiest to find and difficult to erase. The website daily.bhaskar.com, which carries the story about the child-trafficking ring in the Meerut area, is the English language site of Daily Bhaskar. I do not see the story on its Hindi language site or on the websites of Dainik Jagran or Nai Dunia, which I checked in case the story was only carried by Indian language newspapers. The story may have been placed by RAW on daily.bhaskar.com, which it knows I visit frequently, to divert me from writing about the fishermen's killings, which everyone knows about, to writing about the trafficking of Indian children to Israel to be used as food, which very few people know about.
Satish Chandra
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